If you feel your education will suffer then quit. College/University time is stressful (stats-wise one of the high points where alcoholism, depression, and other nasty things begin or propagate so extra work is risky stress). Especially quit if the job has no benefit to your major. If this is your first job if you weren't attending a higher education I would say keep it otherwise as the trend seems to state leave it.
At the end of the day its your choice, feelings, and education at state and no one else can push you through, only guide you. Good Luck.
Source: A College Junior. Put a little trust here in medical students, we know about misery in schooling.
As an independant since I was 18, I can tell you that if you want to do everything in college, you will be able to. I was in computer science at one of the toughest universities for such in the country (as well as secondary subjects like math, sociology, and english). And yeah, it sucked doing homework 40+ hours a week, but even then I worked 25-30 hours a week at my internship (and I took an average of 21 credit hours a semester, and had a 3.9 my last 2 years).
It's not as hard as people make you believe it is, as long as you are able to just grit down and do it. The reason why most people don't get everything done and call it stressful, is because they sit around and watch tv, or go out drinking, then blame laziness on stressful work loads. It is stressful. But it's also very possible.
Whether or not you WANT to do that, well I guess that's up to you. I had no choice, as I had bills to pay. But if you are one of the fortunate ones that don't have to work, then for the love of God at least do well in school. Most people with really easy majors don't, and it always boggled my brain.
yeah all i am saying there is no need to hinder your grades at all unless it benefits your ability to get a job with that degree. And as for easy majors having problems hows that a mystery its alcohol and other fun activities that should be secondary overriding their sense of priority causing them to compromise the 30 hours of studying on adderall for a 4-8 hour study session. I mean you covered it but the example I used is what it takes to be the best... my caution is just that of application of method... Never feel you've done enough... since there are plenty of fish in the sea and employers will nit pick out of school. I mean 17 yrs old I will guess audio your in your freshman year the greatest thing you can do is organize yourself. I mean ultimoice we're on the same page here except your comment is more directed at finishing the degree. In the case of starting the best thing is to ask around for the internships unless you need the funding.
Now if funding is the case I am sure your school can provide you with a list of scholarships and if you must loans which don't be fooled by people saying loans are stupid cause you'll never get out of debt... well that may be true for low income or not in-demand jobs however the converse is you just let go of an opportunity to improve yourself for whatever the time is to accumulate the monetary security you need. A amount that despite additions of interest can be settle well within a well-planned career first 5 years as a guess.
Audio you seem like your intelligence and common sense won't betray you as long as your confident and diligent but never arrogant (ask questions). (don't worry the bunny won't hit its head no matter how stupid your questions may seem to you) Again Good Luck.
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