Uncoached.com has an article about 7 Essential tips on how to make a long road trip better.
such as having more than one meal to keep you satisfied
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Uncoached.com has an article about 7 Essential tips on how to make a long road trip better.
such as having more than one meal to keep you satisfied
Are you driving or are you being driven?
If you're not driving, stay up late the night before and sleep through half the trip. Get a portable DVD player. If the scenery is nice then the trip will be half as bad. Where i live, the scenery is absolute **** so my car trips always suck.
And never go through big cities if you can avoid it. As a general rule, follow the truckers. If you are somehow on a road with no big-rigs, you are in trouble.
Make sure, and I've made this mistake, that you go with people that you know for a fact wont get on your nerves. I've done trips with people who I knew from the get go would give me the irrits and it's a shame because I love some of these people but I can't share a car or a house with them for more than a day/night. At least if someone turns out to be a prick it will be a surprise rather than an "I knew it".
1. If you are the driver.. burn a CD of high pitched tire squeeling. Wait for everyone to fall asleep. Play it and SCREAM at the top of your lungs something like "Oh ****"
2.If you are the driver then get up before everyone else at the hotel and move the far out of view. Bonus points if you take anything you brought inside with you and make your bed so there is no mistake of your actions.
3. If you are the driver make sure you have a spare gas can full of gas in the trunk. Proceed to run out of gas and time it to be both at night and when you decide to take a detour off the main road. Loss of bonus points if this results in anything close to a scene in Deliverence.
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