ok i have a fender strat. and a my 6th string broke today. so i went to a guitar shop and got a string for it and the string sounds way different then my last one it has a very low and dark sound which i dont like. now i understand that there are a few types of strings like steel,nikkle etc. and also different string gauges now my question is what kind of strings does a fender strat. come with what gauge is it? and what kinda string is it?
Fender Silver Bullets I believe. That's what mine had anyway. I don't like them, but you could find their gauge/material and buy similar strings that don't corrode in a week.
but with my acoustic when i broke my g string (lol), i replaced it, and at first it was stiffer and sounded different than the other strings but over time it started to blend in
I have Fender nickelplated steel strings. Size is .008 to .038. Are you sure you got the right size? Also, it may sound different for the new string, cause its stiffer than the other.
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