[QUOTE="SynysterFreak"][QUOTE="DJ_Novakain"][QUOTE="SynysterFreak"][QUOTE="DJ_Novakain"][QUOTE="SynysterFreak"][QUOTE="DJ_Novakain"][QUOTE="SynysterFreak"][QUOTE="ayanami_rei"]:lol: I found a mistake on Hot Topic's website. :P Instead of "injury" they put "injuy".
Anyway, that would be a good idea. Some people who are depressed do not know who to go to and sometimes feel like they are an outcast, and that if they go to anyone for help, the person will just brush them away.
Exactly. I'll take a guess that anyone on this thread that is bashing the cause has never actually had experiences with depression. And no, I"m not talking about the kind you get after you break up with someone, etc. I'm talking about clinical depression that requires treatment. If you haven't has that experience, you can't bash this cause. I've been in that situation before, and it's unimaginable how bad it really is. So before someone starts saying, "oh suck it up you frickin whiny lil emo b****", consider the fact that you haven't been in that posistion and have NO clue what it feels like. If you have had clinical depression before though, and still want to say that, well then, go ahead. You have the right I suppose.
You give me too little credit. Im fully aware of what clinical depression is and that it is a serious problem. Ive never given money to a charity, and if I did, I wouldn't mind giving some to depression victims and such. But I will not do so through Hot Topic and I certainly won't buy that mallgoth shirt. Just give me the address of a clinic and ill send them a cashiers check... kay?
Tell me though, Have you had it yourself? Do you actually know how it feels to have it?
And btw, you're not supoprting that cause "through" hot topic. There are MANY other places you can buy those shirts. They even had a seperate both set up for it at a recent music festival I went to, and it was not Hot Topic sponsored.
Did I say I ever had it? No. I said that I know what it is. Ive been educated on the subject, and I believe you when you say its bad, so why are you gonna fight me on this?Hey, I'm not fighting you man. But you can't say you "understand" something when you have had no actual experience with it yourself. Besides, I wasn't the one making stereotypes here, now was I?
Now you are just making **** up, I never made any stereotype regarding depression. I said that hot topic was a bunch of mallgoth crap, and that is true...You can cut it with that whole, BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAAAAND BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW, crap too. Just because ive never had depression doesn't mean I can't have some concept or at least basic knowledge of what it is...
I never said you don't have knowledge of it. That wasn't my point. I was saying you haven't had EXPERIENCE with it, so how can you say that you know what it's like? Tell me how. I'd really like to know that. Simply learning about it doesn't suddenly mean you know everything about a subject, and this applys esspecially for any type of mental disorder.
Btw, saying that Hot Topic is a bunch of mallgoth crap is making a stereotype. Like I said before, there are alot of things in there that isn't "goth". And as far as your band shirt statment before, yes, there are a LOT of band shirts in there. Wearing a shirt by your favorite band does NOT make you emo or goth though. That is stereotyping once again. They sell Bob Marley shirts in there for God's sake. What is EMO or GOTH about wearing that?
:lol: I never said I know what its like to have depression, but nice try. I said I know the disease is a serious problem. Most doctors haven't had the ailments they treat, yet they still understand them...Mental issues are way different than any other type of sickness man. You can be as book smart as you want about a subjest like that, but you still won't be able to talk from first hand experience. All I'm saying in short, is that before you start talking like you know about the matter, consider the fact that you haven't actually had the disorder yourself, and can't understand what kind of pain it actually puts you through.
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