in my science class i was reading a paragraph to the class on evolution and all of a sudden this guys name whihc is spelt david ruap comes up but i say david rump (ass) and me and my 3 other freinds start laughig badly as i hold it in so hard and try to continue, but i couldnt resist luckily i had a cool teacher and he was like thats enough ok can someone else continue. Then for the rest of the calss we were laughing so badly and my friends kept on saying david ass lol and i coulnt stop laughing.
later my ferind draws a david rump tribute page and my teacher was like whats that and saw it and it said ass and stuff all over hahahahhaha and my teachers face was like wtf?
Also my friend added him to the evolution table ( we studyin evolution) hahah man i never laughed so hard in so long
well excuse the spelling
now discuss, about what u say i dunno!
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