I thought this was funny. My friend wrote it about a year ago.
Top 10 signs you've chosen the wrong high school.
10. They encourage you to have child meetings about math during recess.
9. The normal school lunch meal is "mystery meat".
8. Daily homework is reading up chapter 12... every day, in the same textbook.
7. The teachers don't know your name, and then yell at you when you don't know their name.
6. The science teacher, who is trying to get the kids more interested, does a lecture called "Extreme Food Chains"
5. English teacher makes 4 spelling errors in 5 minutes.
4. English teacher expects you to know how to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious... forward and backwards.
3. Gym instructor makes you do 100 push-ups... as warm-up.
2. Lockers jam after the first day.
And the number 1 reason is...
1. Spot teacher with eyes mostly closed and holding a teddy bear.
10 more signs you've chosen the wrong high school
10. Christmas is a school day... just like all the others.
9. One of the school's lessons is how to correctly diss people.
8. Whenever you're the only one with your hand up, they call on the clas's pet rock.
7. Survey finds that cafeteria food is always at least 20% "other".
6. Instead of giving pens and pencils to write with, they give you cheese.
5. Latin motto translates to "So long, and thanks for all the fish".
4. Math teacher usually shows up wearing footsie pajamas.
3. Teachers inspect lunch bags and always take out the sweets.
2. "Wrongly" is a word.
1. Teachers think that A (as in, the grade) means "a horrible paper". Same thing for the other letters.
Still 10 more signs you've chosen the wrong high school
10. Teachers assign you 5 page essays... all due the same day.
9. The air conditioner is always on in winter, but never in spring or fall.
8. Every day there is a pop quiz, on something there's no way you studied.
7. Math teacher expects you to memorize whole textbook.
6. The sicker you are, the more work they give you the day you come back. And I'm not just talking about make-up work.
5. Gym instructor assigns homework.
4. You can get an F on a test for not writing what minute you started the test.
3. English teacher spends half of the year teaching you to spell 5 words.
2. School lunch is made with "nutritious" cow brains.
And the number 1 reason is...
1. Every hallway is 2 feet wide, and there are 1000 kids that go there.
Make your own one of these, too. :)
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