I have a bachelors of science.
I'm a chemist too.....guess I got one of those practical degrees. Oh please cry about it btw
Phylosophy is a joke. No employer has any interest in that.
Here's reality, and I hope you wake up to it. Employers want skills, they want practical ability that they can use to make money for the company. That's why a BSN is wanted so badly or a degree in computer science is so sought after. They're practical. Employers can use it and employees with degrees and skills in it have something to offer.
The problem with the degrees I've mentioned have the same problem. They teach no usable, industry ready skills.
Reality can be hard to accept, but like I said. F*ck your dreams, f*ck everybody's dreams. The real world does not give 2 sh*ts what you want. The real world expects you to produce, and if you haven't learned anything marketable, you're screwed.
People with those joke degrees will only find themselves out alot of money and years behind others.
This is a pretty cynical way of looking at it.Sometimes, internships and connections matter more than a degree. And whatever degree you get, that shows employers that you have skills acquired from setting forth a goal and achieving it. Whatever degree you have means you did the work that was necessary of you and that's what a lot of them want. A Philosophy degree is good because it teaches critical thinking and there are jobs you can get with that. It's only people who don't go out and intern and make connections that get screwed over, regardless of their degree.
People expecting to make six figures straight out of University and without putting themselves out there are dreaming, regardless of degree.
inter ships produce skills, or at least show a willingness to work hard in fairness.Employers would probably just laugh seeing a philosophy degree apply when there are plenty of better degrees in a mediocre economy, and employers will still seek out skills first and for most.
THe real world sucks at times. There's not much more to it.
side note, I think alot of worthless degrees have been attained in the last few years because society has been telling people you just need a degree to succeed, you should enjoy what you do, you will get a job if you get a degree, as well as a push for everybody to go to school when only brighter people should be going to be honest.
I think these attitudes have spawned hipsters and the occupy movement unfortunately, and it's not even those people's faults.
Some people will be successful no matter what degree they get, and for others it's just the opposite. Some may only be able to succeed if they get a marketable degree-if for instance, they don't have the charisma, work ethic, talent etc. to do it on their own. Many people get caught up in statistics and degrees without realizing how individualized every situation is.
Amusingly enough, if everyone went out and got these "productive" and "practical" degrees, they would immediately become far less productive and sought after, since the market would be oversaturated. We need people with different skill sets, interests, and passions to thrive as a community. To think otherwise is simply naive.
I'm happy you got a degree where you can do well, because based on your responses in this thread, your communication skills are subpar.
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