Title pretty much says it all...post your top ten favorite computer apps.
For me:
Every computer needs a good web browser, as far as I'm concerned, web browsers don't get much better then Opera, lightweight, fast, customizable, and one of the most fully featured browsers at install, Opera dominates all other web browsers in my opinion, aside from the rare time I use Firefox for one of the few really useful add-ons or the rare time I come across a site that doesn't support Opera, if I am on the internet, I am using this browser.
Music is one of the most important things for me in my life, so of course a media player is going to show up on here:P Itunes seems to get a lot of hate from Windows users..IDK, maybe it doesn't work good on Windows, but it works perfectly on OS X, never had a single problem with it. :P
Well....I like making designs...what can I say?:P I'm not likely ever to become a professional Gfx designer or anything, but I have fun making stuff with this:P
When I made the switch to Mac, one of my most missed apps was the above mentioned GIMP. Thankfully, I later found out I could still use GIMP in OS X, I just needed to find my install disc and put X11 on it.:P
One of the best and most versatile CD rippers for Mac, can rip into pretty much any format I would want.
Helps to recommend me new music, and helps me keep track of my listening habbits.
Makes accessing apps and files quicker and easier.
Can play pretty much any audio or video file in existence.
I don't listen to .flac files very ofter, but when I do, I love being able to add them into my itunes library like any other audio file.
Uh...cause I like calenders?:P *Is having trouble thinking of ten apps that wouldn't get me in trouble with teh mods:P*
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