In 1990, before a lot of you little darlings were born, Arnold Schwarzeneggerstarred in the Action sci-fi classic Total Recall. It was a movie about a down on his luck Earthling who goes to Mars to murder half of the population himself. The only problem is that he does not know if he is actually on Mars Murdering these Martians or if he is still on Earth in a dream like state murdering them in his mind. What we do know for sure is that he gets to see aliens with three boobs, Aliens living in Humans, and the sudden realization that Humans cannot breath on Mars. To find out what is actually happening in this head trip of a movie you must watch it to the end yourself.
The 90's flick with "Ahnold" is a lot of fun and it goes with the extreme ultra-violence of the 1980's and 90's. Almost 120,000 users on IMDB have rated it at 7.5/100 and it is in the top 500 movies on that site of all time. Yippy!
Now fast forward 22 years. What's that? You do not know how to fast forward because you never owned a VCR? Just skip ahead! This year we will be recieving a brand new Total Recall. Go to the link if you want to see the amazing Metacritic score it has already piled up. I do not use those words "piled up" on accident either. There is some good news as of this writing, the Tampa Bay Times have given it an 83. Most Americans do not even know where Tampa Bay is let alone give a crap about their newspaper, so let us move on. This movie starring two of America's biggest box office bomb magnets will still be based on Phillip K. Dicks, "We can Remember it for you Wholesale", story, but our middle aged hero will not be "Getting his Ass to Mars" this time around. This time around the movie will look like a mixture of Minority Report and Blade Runner together. You may remember that Colin Farrel was in Minority Report for like 10 minutes so this will be familiar ground for him.
What are we getting from the actors that are in this movie? Farrel would not know what a hit was even if he woke up in the hospital with a black eye, and I think most of us remember Stealth, which starred once hottest female on the planet Jessica Biel. The box-office did not go too well with that one. Did the casting director of this movie want bad luck? Why on earth would he chose these two black cats to star in a 200 mi..MILLION dollar movie before Marketing costs? The last time anyone cared to see Farrel he was playing a pony tail owning Country Western singer that associated himself with bearded, alcoholic, homeless country western singer played by Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart. Again, he was in this inspirational and entertaining movie for around ten minutes. Now we are expected to go on a mind altering, reality trip of a sci-fi movie with him and like it? Yes! Wow! That was surprisingly easy. I now understand what the Casting Directors thought process was when he was doing his job after a night of snorting Meth. I am sure they will all do fine. But what do you all think?
Will Total Recall be able to stand up out of the shadow of the original?
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