Well Its about the fact that I have it on my computer, along with the other 2 parts and well i cant watch the Italian Parts. Not so much that I can't see them its that I cant understand the language. I've been looking everywhere but I still can't find a good subtitle file that is all one thing and has the Italian parts. Now 1 file with ONLY the Italian parts would be AMAZING but finding a normal full one is hard enough. So any help on FINDING a file would be much appreciated :).
Oddly enough I recently did find such a file and was quite happy, however, if it was as good as I had hoped I wouldn't be here right now...The file, when played with the movie, does this weird thing were it creates new subtitles where non existed before, like in the first 3 seconds it starts playing part of the movie that is much later on. It also doubles existing subtitles and then completely removes some sections. The .srt file is complete and intact, the word are there. However when i open it up using Subresync, it shows this strange mess of subtitles out of order and doubled up. When I unclick the box next to "Unlink" everything goes back to normal but I cant find a way to actually sync this to the movie, no matter how many times I save it, it always stays messed up!!!! Please help me! The Godfather is such a great trilogy, I would hate for them to go unwatched on my computer.
Thanks to all who reply
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