[QUOTE="CrimsonSilver"]In world, there is no true ignorance, for everyone is ignorant if you claim someone to be ignorant.
I read the thing and that guy has "some" solid points.
I enjoyed the movie, but I wouldn't call it satanic...but still the guy isn't ignorant at all for stating how he saw the movie as...
and seriously it's not like pan is this big religious movie or an epic historic movie(although it was after a real wartime) someone can be ignorant about.
it is ignorant because the fact that it's called "Pan's Labyrinth" is a bad translation, the faun's name is not Pan. and it is ignorant to claim to know what a movie is about by just judging its trailer, this guy wrote the article before the movie was even out.
Oh...I just checked and he didn't see the movie...don't call me ignorant..I was just out of it during the first few seconds reading that bright text.
I guess he was quick to judge the movie, but if he saw the movie I guess he would have pushed his point further (I mean the movie wasn't all that holy), and the translation faun to Pan is not really a translation, the author intended to change it to make it feel more distict and "sacred", but yea he did base the thing on a Pan so I guess you could call him out on that, but you might as well smack Del Toro on the back of the head.
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