Which religion is really best and why?
Not a poll type thread mods- I want comments.
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Which religion is really best and why?
Not a poll type thread mods- I want comments.
Im an agnostic/nihilist so I really dont care. they need to just stay out of my way.USSJAndrewYour cool, but no anarchist? Come on!
Judaism is not in the big 3.ThunderjackIt obviously constitutes as an major world religion theres no reason to exclude it because you want to say 'the big 3' say 'the big 4' don't leave one out for the sake of having the prominent 3 number.
[QUOTE="Thunderjack"]Judaism is not in the big 3.Aura_TwilightIt obviously constitutes as an major world religion theres no reason to exclude it because you want to say 'the big 3' say 'the big 4' don't leave one out for the sake of having the prominent 3 number.
[QUOTE="USSJAndrew"]Im an agnostic/nihilist so I really dont care. they need to just stay out of my way.ThunderjackYour cool, but no anarchist? Come on!
What? Anarchist isnt a religion, its a political view
Its not about apeasing to any religion I just think its wrong to say big 3 instead of listing all of the worlds major religions.in response to aura
I refuse to appease american jews by doing this
What? No Pastafarians?
Those who do not respect the Flying Spahgetti Monster will be forever "touched" by His Noodly Appendage.
Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim
In the name of God, the most Merciful, the most Kind.
thotoz, you are a difficult poster to argue with. No, don't get flattered or anything, you know who I am and that I'm familiar with you. The difficulty is because you're logic is usually both invalid and unsound, you forget/ignore key information, your reading comprehension is extremely poor, you are unable to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources, your replies often have little to do with the statements they are answering and you jump to a wide variety of conclusions regardless of whether an argument is valid or it is invalid. This became very apparent in the "Islam = most intolerable religion thread." Normally this is fine with me and I wouldn't call anyone out on this as no one is perfect. However, despite the fact that you are by far the worst debater I have ever dealt with, you pretend to be so knowledgeable and have arrogantly insulted whatever intelligence and reasoning I have by saying things like "I just know you're going to say _blank_." It's hard to believe you're for real. You are very disrespectful. You expect me and rimnet to personally answer the limitless issues you bring up from the entire internet and then fail to do what we ask of you [checking the phone number I gave you or the site rimnet gave you.]
You could be described as extremely careless at best and arrogantly at worst.
I will start this post with the comprehensive rebuttal of your last post to me.
By the way, for credible sources, besides websites (that can contain nonsense) there's many books/biographies of Muhammed depicting his life, there's many..just search for them on amazon.com (typing Muhammed as keyword).thotoz
But we must question the Qur'an, and figure out why it is called a Religion of Peace when we know what's going around in the world today, and relate it to Muhammed (pbuh) himself.thotoz
Siddi I just want a good answer for the beheading of 600 people by Mohammed and cutting their legs (don't remember the exact phrase). As much trouble those people may have done to Muhammed, why should He massacre humans? Did Jesus kill them all? I just know you're going to reply about what the Christians did when considering "massacres" but I will again say "it was against Jesus". thotoz
Why would I change the subject to Christianity? Have I done this before? I’ve done my best to speak only positive remarks about my OWN religion and no negative remarks against others. Re-read my posts in this thread and in previous threads and you will see I have done my best to refrain from attacking religions, religious countries, religious people unless it is absolutely and critically relevant and fair. Even then I avoid it despite pressure by you to give negative examples of other religions. My habit is to avoid being negative. Moving on.
What would Jesus son of Mary [upon him be peace] have done? Jesus never had more than 13 disciples let alone an army or a state. Jesus would have done the right thing; we do not know that that would be. The prophets stood for peace but they also stood for justice and when they had states under their power they would create order. Moving on.
Regarding the 'massacre' of 600 people, the tribe which is being referred to is Banu Quraiza.
Muhammad ibn Ka'b al-Qurazi. He was a scholar of Islam. His father was one of the surviving Banu Quraiza and was present at the time of this "massacre." If Islam and the Prophet [peace be upon him] were so evil as to so unjustly punish his tribe wouldn't the he have grown up disliking the religion and then teaching his son to do the same? Probably. Would he have named his son after such a terrible man? yyyeah... not likely. I’m only bringing this up to get you to start realizing that perhaps not all is as it seems here.
The tribe of Banu Quraiza was not innocent. In the 'Battle of the Ditch,' while their Muslim neighbors were fighting the Meccans parked outside the city, they attempted to help the attacking Meccans who were attempting to commit genocide against the Muslims [the Muslim community was still small enough to be wiped out.] Unfortunately for Banu Quraiza, there was a non-Muslim who wished to convert but had not told anyone. He offered his assistance if he could do anything to help and was asked by the prophet [peace be upon him] to break down those talks while his people thought he was still one of them. He was successful in spreading gossip and creating mistrust and the talks broke down [Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki.]
Also, everyone likes to write this off as just "breaking a treaty." I disagree. This was high treason and attempted genocide.
None of the people of Banu Qurayza condemned these actions afterwards or severed ties with their leadership. Instead, they chose to continue to support their leaders and followed them to a fort where they all waited [a.k.a. took positions] thinking that after the Meccans had weakened the Muslims they would be able to fight them off afterwards [the Muslims' chances did seem slim at first.] They were wrong, the Muslims still had fight left and soon after the Muslims knew they needed to make sure the tribe wouldn’t try this again. They had to surrender and Saad ibn Muaz was chosen by banu Quraiza themselves to judge them and determine the punishment [note Muhammad did not directly do this himself as you implied.] All able-bodied men that occupied the fort were executed [there is no indication that anyone who did not follow and enter the fort was touched.] Beheading was the quickest death and it was given to them. [Many sites exaggerate and call this "murdered brutally" or something...]
The women and children in the fort were sold off to slavery [again, there is no indication that anyone who did not follow and enter the fort was touched.] This was done both as punishment and also to prevent them from poverty. As punishment, it was necessary since the Muslims were a poor community at the time and didn’t have prisons and such as they would later. It kept them out of poverty because without men they would have no income and would starve to death under any other punishment. And "slaves" in Islamic standards actually more like domestic servants. They have all the rights their masters have and are ordered to be treated equally.
These were very dangerous internal enemies. What other punishment would you suggest? Put them in prisons the Muslims were too poor to build? Let them go without punishent? Give them another chance to assist in genocide?
Here is additional information:
Myths & Facts About the Banu Qurayzah
False Allegations of Atrocities
The Expulsion of Banu al-Qurayzah
Actually, www.bismikaallahuma.org is a good site in general anyone may want to refer to it for explanations of accusations like this.
To give one example of the Prophet's mercy and refer to an earlier post of mine regarding alleged non-defensive raids [I am quite sure that they were mostly if not all defensive and that your sources are wrong] by Muhammad [Peace be upon him]:
"These raids were against people that had persecuted and brutally tortured the Muslims for years and years until all the muslims fled from the city of Mecca for fear of their lives. They had every right to fight for their rights. When they finally did this the non-muslims replied by sending an army to Medina to wipe out every single Muslim there - almost all muslims were in Medina. This is attempted genocide. In contrast, when Muhammad and his followers conquered Mecca he GRANTED PARDON TO EVERY SINGLE MECCAN!!! These people were torturing and killing muslims a few years back! Not a single drop of blood was shed that day." – Me
Some bring up the fact that Quraiza was a Jewish tribe. I bring up this:
"A funeral passed by the Prophet, and he stood up in respect. He was told that the dead man was a Jew. He said: 'Is he not a human being?'" [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
Both Muslims and non-Muslims must take note. Their religion was no grounds for punishment in Islam. Only their actions were.
This aspect of the above information on Banu Qurayza is distorted by two main groups of people:
-One, people who want to find an excuse to hate and kill Jews and say they need to be massacred regardless of their innocence.
-Two, people who want to find an excuse to attack Islam saying it promotes killing of innocents.
They claim to be dissimilar but in reality they work together to engulf the world in death.
thotoz, after I explained to you how a huge article you linked to was deception you claimed this is all you wanted [quote: "I just want a good answer for the beheading of 600 people..."] But I suspect you will again post unreliable information [before verifying it with the resources rimnet and I pointed you to] that will only spread misunderstanding and hate.
If I've said anything right it's from God so praise Him. If there's anything wrong it's from me so please forgive me and may God forgive me.
This is what was written in one of the links from www.bismikaallahuma.org that I gave:
Myths & Facts About the Banu Qurayzah
http://www.bismikaallahuma.org/archives/2005/myths-facts-about-the-banu-qurayzah/16 October 2005
Filed under Polemical RebuttalsMohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi
The Christian missionaries have been making a lot of noise about the circumstances surrounding the Banu Qurayzah. It is a wonder that even after countless of explanations on the matter, they still want to play on this old, tired polemic. Regardless, it is about time that an answer is given to checkmate the nonsense surrounding the issue once and for all. Here, we shall attempt to address the myths about the Banu Qurayzah and establish the real facts, as follows.
1. MYTH:
The Banu Qurayza are innocent victims who perished under the sword of Muhammad(P)
Not true at all. On the contrary, the Banu Qurayzah prior to the incident of their so-called "massacre" attempted to betray the Muslims by openly aligning themselves with the Confederate armies (consisting of the pagan Quraysh and their allies) during the beseiging of the city of Madinah, known in history as the "War of the Confederates" (al-Harb al-Adzhaab). This is a significant act of treason, because they had earlier pledged to uphold the Madinan Covenent with the Muslims, which stipulates cooperation and an alliance if the Muslims in Madinah were attacked by a foreign force.
2. MYTH:
The Prophet(P)ordered this punishment of the Banu Qurayza.
Wrong. It was a Companion of the Prophet(P) by the name Saad ibn Muaz(R), an Ansar and the ally of the Banu Quraizah, who did that after the Banu Qurayzah leaders met with him and agreed to submit to whatever his judgement would be for their crimes against the Muslims.
3. MYTH:
The "massacre" was ordered on Muhammad's says-so. This is because Muhammad feared the Jews and recognised that they were a threat to his political dominance.
The claim is of no substance apart from being a blasphemous lie. It is clear that Saad ibn Muaz(R) have administered the punishment in accordance with Jewish law as found in the Torah. The law is:
"When the Lord thy God hath delivered it unto thy hands, thou shalt smite every male therein with the edge of the sword: but the women, and the little ones and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself." (Deuteronomy 20:12)
It is therefore clear that Muslims are not to be blamed for administering a Law that is found within the Jewish scripture itself upon the Jews who had earlier agreed to submit to Saad ibn Muaz's judgement.
4. MYTH:
The Prophet (P) allowed this Law to be passed because he was inhuman and unmerciful.
The reason why the Prophet (P) allowed judgement according to Jewish law was because the Banu Qurayzah were Jews, and in their initial agreement with the Prophet(P), they were allowed their own system of law according to the Torah. The Prophet(P) neither influenced the decision nor was he involved in any stage of the decision-making, as the representatives of Banu Qurayzah did not seek his judgement.
Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi
[Note: This interpretation of this Jewish law is not really agreed upon. Still, this was the law of these specific Jewish people, not the law of modern Jews so it may have certainly been the case. Regardless, the main reasoning of the executions was mainly out of necessity for the safety of the Muslim community. -Siddiqui]
Bismillahir rahman nirrahim
In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind.
Regarding The Rules of Engagement of Jihad
Throughout the world today there are Muslims that fail to follow the rules of engagement of jihad as it is taught in Islam. Muhammad [peace be upon him] and his followers were brutally tortured, persecuted and killed for 13 years but when they were given orders they would follow them.
We read in Surah 2, verses 190 of the Qur’an:
*{Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you, but do not go beyond the limits. Allah does not love those who practice aggression.}*
This was the first verse concerning fighting. ALL other verses about Jihad must be read while keeping this first one in mind.
So... what are these "limits" mentioned in the verse?
The prophet is narrated to have said, “Fight for the sake of Allah and fight those who disbelieve in Allah. Fight, but do not steal [from the captured goods], and do not commit treachery, nor mutilate [the dead], or kill a child, or those who reside in [Jewish and Christian] houses of worship.” (Narrated in the compiled hadiths of the prophet by Imam Muslim.)
The Prophet [peace be upon him] is reported to have said "Muslims, go forth in the name of Allah, and fight in the cause of Allah. Do not defraud in the matter of the spoils, nor cheat the enemy. Do not mutilate the enemy dead nor kill women or children or monks or priests, nor those who have arrived at extreme old age. Always try to improve people's condition and behave benevolently towards them. Allah loves the benevolent."
In his time, Hazrat Abu Bakr [the elected first political successor to the Prophet] used to add: "Leave alone those who have dedicated their lives to the service of God and also that to which they are dedicated; do not cut down fruit trees, nor ruin an inhabited place."
Therefore, these are the rules:
1. Fight people who fight you.
2. Do not practice aggression.
3. Do not break treaties [a.k.a. 'commit treachery.']
4. Do not mutilate bodies.
5. Do not kill women.
6. Do not kill children.
7. Do not kill Jews and Christians in their houses of worship [they have nothing to do with the fighting - so this is just rule 1 emphasized for priests, monks, etc.]
8. Do not kill the elderly.
9. Improve the conquered people's condition.
10. Behave kindly towards them.
11. Do not fight fellow Muslims [seems obvious, but you'd be surprised...]
12. Do not take more than your share from the captured goods [a.k.a. dropped "loot."]
Regarding Abu Bakr's added reminders, the following can be assumed given the twelve rules already mentioned:
13. Do not destroy crops [rules 9 and 10.]
14. Do not destroy inhabited buildings [again, rules 9, 10.]
All of this is an elaboration and extension of the first verse [2:190] regarding fighting in Islam [mentioned above.] All subsequently revealed verses must be considered in conjunction with these verses to be properly understood.
If I wrote anything right it's from God, so praise Him. If I wrote anything wrong it's from me so forgive me and may God forgive me as well.
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
This is a documentary by PBS. It uses both Muslim and Non-Muslim sources. It's good both in information and presentation. It's long but genuinely enjoyable.
Part I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDh2CquHC1I&mode=related&search=
Part II http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TyR88Xww5Q&mode=related&search=
Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim
In the name of God, the most merciful, the most kind
But honestly, I've looked far into Islam.thotoz
No you haven’t, not that far. It seems you've looked at exclusively Christian sources so far.
If muslims tell me that "they will not believe it because dumb sources are used to exploit Islam". Well..Robert Spencer used the most credible Sources used by Muslim scholars!...(look at those books, they are used by Muslim scholars, they are not bull)
He cites BOOKS and COMPILATIONS that are considered to have MANY [but not exclusively] authentic entries and facts. Every single entry or statement is not necessarily authentic in these sources. He uses many that are proven to be false or unreliable. You have to look into them individually as respectable, responsible scholars do [both Muslim and non-Muslim.] Also, it’s not just the sources he uses that are unreliable but he himself that is unreliable. He clearly has his own agenda and anyone can spin the truth and use it to deceive people.
You read my post on deception.
So... this is Deciet 101?Lessons:
1. Make up a lie. - easiest lesson.
2. Don't make up a lie. Find a lie that already exists that is from a source that looks more credible than you obvioulsy are and present it as the truth.
3. Tell the truth, but only the partial truth.
4. Using these three methods you can make up an infinite amount of false information. When one of your points is refuted make up another. This way, you can force the other person to have to write the equivalent of a book in order to answer all your points. Siddiqui
Spencer uses the second and third rules when citing ‘credible’ sources.
Muhammed personally beheaded 600-900 people...thotoz
I've now covered this completely in the post in this thread. You now should see this statement is outrageous.
had several wives (though some Muslims defend this when I say it) thotoz
I have covered the accusations that Muhammad was in any way a lustful man. Each marriage had an excellent reason behind it. For example many were done to form political reasons. All of his wives except for Aisha were either divorced or widowed and in that society women often needed the protection of a man to survive. If he was after lust then why was one of his wives a poor widowed woman of 65 years of age when he married her? I’m not expanding on each individual marriage; you can look into that yourself.
Also, to reiterate what I’ve said previously. Muhammad [peace be upon him] waited until he was 25 to marry his first Wife, Khadija [may God be pleased with her], who was a 40 year old widow… Furthermore, prior to those 25 years Muhammad had remained completely chaste [no courting, premarital sex, nothing] despite the fact the lewd and practically semi-nudist Arab culture at the time would easily allow for several other options. He remained completely monogamous and loyal [no ceating or anything of course] to Khadija until her death. A few years after the death of Khadija he finally married Aisha, his second wife, when he was 52 years old - hardly an age where desire is at peak.
and only had 1 defensive raid, the rest of his raids were offensive. thotoz
I have covered this. The fighting was to defend against imminent genocide. The non-Muslim Meccans had no intention of sparing the women and children and this was no secret. Muhammad [peace be upon him] only fought when there was a real threat that the Meccans were about to be wipe them out. This is why fighting stopped after the "Battle of the Ditch." The Muslims gained respect for defeating such a huge army that the non-Muslim Meccans had sent. The non-Muslims had realized that the Muslims are not people you can just bully around or kill off and therefore were reluctant to send more armies. As for the Muslims, since there was now no longer a risk of genocide they put down their weapons and there was peace for four years.
After these years the Muslims attempted to go on a pilgrimage but were denied entry into Mecca by the non-Muslims. Instead of fighting [they had their weapons - as all Arabs always carried their weapons all the time - and they had faced worse odds] they decided to negotiate a peace treaty. The Muslims conceded every major point to the non-Muslims when drafting the treaty but insisted on one - ten more years of peace. Much to the dismay of the Meccan non-Muslims it was during these many years of peace that Islam grew the fastest. Not coincidentally, the peace was only broken when the non-Muslims attacked a clan allied with the Muslims. In defense, the Muslims sent a large army to Mecca and through surrender the 'conquest of Mecca' occurred - the one where I mentioned where not a single drop of blood was spilled and all the brutal oppressors of the Muslims were pardoned.
Muhammad [peace be upon him] did not spread warfare. In the end you could say 'the proof is the pudding'... yeah. Prior to Islam the entire Arabian Peninsula would be in a state of vengeful tribal warfare throughout the year for centuries. Within 20 years of an Islamic state all these wars ended. Also, the number of killed in the battles that Muhammad [peace be upon him] commanded was much less than the usual number killed in battles of the time.
(you had a choice of converting to Islam, or being able to follow your own religion..under strict rule!) thotoz
Stict rule? Care to elaborate? To begin, the Quran says "there is no compulsion in religion" [2:256.] As a result there was no sort of forced conversion as the statement implies.
In fact, the non-Muslim groups [Dhimmi's] were allowed to govern themselves independently from the Muslims. They created and applied their own laws to themselves. They were truly independent and allowed to do as they willed. This is a degree of freedom than even modern governments do not provide.
So, you are talking about the Jizya I would guess. These were taxes they paid as a "Dhimmi" status that were used to finance the Muslim army that protected them. The non-Muslims did not fight together with the Muslims as this would potentially result in infighting and indecision. The non-Muslims would give their money and the Muslims would give their lives.
For an example, when the Muslims who conquered Cyprus were driven out the general returned this money to the non-Muslims saying he had failed them. This was not just a tax simply for being non-Muslim.
The Muslims would also pay a 'Zakat' tax. Many say that this tax was not as high as the Jizya non-Muslims paid. However, first of all, this statement is an inaccurate simplification. The Jizya was at a fixed rate per person while the Zakat was given percentage wise. You could, however, try to claim that for most people the Jizya would have come out more expensive but apparently that doesn't demonize Islam enough for some people. Secondly, Jizya was a lot less difficult to pay than some people dramatize it to have been. Thirdly, the jizya usually only needs to be paid by able bodied men – not women, children or the disabled. Fourthly, and most importantly the Jizya and Zakat were different amounts for completely practical reasons. For the Jizya, every potential soldier is valued equally and therefore every able-bodied male must pay equally. Zakat, however, is primarily used for charity so it makes sense to tax percentage wise since this would have the rich give more.
Also, out of curiosity, have you seen any indications or records that any people were ever punished because they were too poor to pay the Jizya? I haven't.
The two most respected Muslim Leaders of all time, who had vast empires but still were nice are: Saladin, and Akbar. They both didn't follow everything in Qur'an, coincidence?! That's how they became peaceful, by not following the Qur'an word for word!"thotoz
Salauddin Ayyubi? He DID follow everything in the Quran and of what the prophet said – more than any other leader of his time. That’s exactly why he is praised by so many Muslims. What sources are you using? He has been considered a hero by the Muslims for actually following the teachings of Islam when other leaders were starting to slip. He was very, very religious to the point that he would lead Friday prayers and give the ‘Khutba’ [Friday sermon.] His exceptional chivalry and kindness was reminiscent of what the Prophet Muhammad [Peace be upon him] and his companions used to do. He followed every single rule of engagement of jihad.
Read these sources:
http://www.islamdenouncesterrorism.com/islam_middleeast.html [under ‘Justice of Saladin’]
Where does he ever go against what the Quran or the Prophet [peace be upon him] said? The exact opposite is indicated.
Also, the following link should temper your apparently seething hatred of Aurengzeb a little.
Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb: Bad Ruler or Bad History?
If I've said anything right it's from God so praise Him. If there's anything wrong it's from me so please forgive me and may God forgive me.
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