[QUOTE="gomer69"][QUOTE="F-14Bombcat"][QUOTE="gomer69"] Hate all you want, it won't stop me from getting into med-school. your displeasure comes from jealously, like I care. If people didn't try hard, then things like nasa, and microwaves, would not possible. All I can say to that is cry more noob, cry more.
I'd rather have a jack ass know it all doctor performing surgery on my kid, than someone who got into med school because they were charismatic, and had "connections".
So THAT is the reason you made this thread :lol:! You just wanted to brag. Nice try, but believe it or not, not everyone cares that you got into med school. And I doubt he is jealous because what is to be jealous about? That you got into college? whoopee doo! you are just like 75% of americans(or whatever country you currently reside). You are just a spoiled kid who likes to think he is better than everyone else. I do not care how good of a doctor you become, because I would still rather someone help me that has RESPECT! Yes, I said respect, which you seem to lack. Have fun at college and I truly hope you end up doing good, but I seriously doubt you will get far with that attitude:(.
And before you say that I am just jealous, then let me ease your thoughts. I am currently in college much like you. I am wanting to get a good degree similar to you. The only difference is that I posses one thing that will get me farther in life than anything that you got. It is called respect.
I grew up poor. I would say there is a good portion people that get into med school, were either really poor, and were motivated by that, or will really rich, and their parents helped them make the right decisions. Either way, at leastin canada, where you come from does not determine where you can go in life. but believe what you will.
i just wish one day i can see you correcting your boss......*gets on knees starts praying*
Haha, funny you should mention this. I took a year off to work as a computer tech while I got my life organized. My boss was such a ****, we always got into fights. He tried to get me fired twice, but each time I got out of it and nearly got him and the HR guy fired. He tried to say I commited fraud, and made me take 2 days off, while they "investgated". I came back and proved, that I was not the only one that did those things. Above that I proved that my boss had actually told me to do it, and that he had commited fraud much worse than mine, and that him and the HR guy tried to cover it up. After that I had him by the ****s and he didn't bother me again. so meh. those were the fun days.
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