Iam fed up of seeing teenagers getting pregnant just because they can, when they are still growing up themselves, having one way too early and wasting some of their life away because of it. Why the hell would you want a child under the age of 20? You props be still in education and don't even a have a job to support the child. And props wont make good parents, seeing as they most likely be too soft on the child, so child will grow up to be a scumbag.
If I have it my way humans wont be able to procreate until at least the age of 24, and if a couple wants to have a child then they have to prove themselves worthy, then they would be allowed to take a drug that lets them procreate. This is good since you have responsible people having kids, instead of irresponsible parents who cant look after their kids so they end up being foster kids, and scumbags because mummy and daddy failed to be scrict and responisble, plus no child abuse. Also this will also decrease the population because child birth is controlled, instead of increasing an overpopulated planet.
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