Welcome! Welcome to the X v X topics. This years Poll is About Gaming Comics, mainly C.A.D v Penny Arcade, and which (In your Opinion) is the superiour Video Game Related Comic. Some background history is to Follow.
Penny Arcade was started November of 1998, the First Strip was about the popular Computer Game SiN, and it's long load times(A problem which still exists a decade later). The strip is based on the Adventures of 2 good friends(Gabe & Tycho), There is also talk of an Insane Robot(The Fruit ******) and the Insane Lead has a surprisingly Hot GF who puts up with everything, somehow. But is more commentary about Games and the Video Game industry then about the characters themselves.
C.A.D was started October of 2002, the First Strip was about an Insane man and a Melon. The strip is based on the Adventures of 2 good friends(Ethan & Lucas) There is also talk of an Insane Robot(The Xbot), and the Insane Lead has a surprising hot GF who puts up with everything, somehow. Originally the strip was about gamers living their life, and in such context many other characters have entered and left their life. But recently they have forgone that, in favor of providing commentary about Games, and the Video Game Industry.
Please Read the ENTIRETY of their Comic Archives before Voting.
Disclaimer -
I have no intention of doing any more rounds of this, mainly because I know of no other gaming comics. Hence the "Round One" Type really means nothing. Unless of course you know of others, in which case please link them for me, though most likely I won't read them all anyway.
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