This is from a news paper. I am going to write a letter to the editor about this. just figured I'd share this blasphemy and complete and utter lack of knowledge with you all.
First off, video games are not truly addictive. If you blow up some "Addicted" person's 360 or PS3 they aren't going to shake uncontrollably and puke for a week or 2 while toxins get out of their system. They are probably just going to get mad, then find something else to do with their newly found free time and find other methods to pass the time and occupy their thoughts.
Second, World of Warcraft is NOT an addictive game. Actually... the game is only decent. The reason why people play World of Warcraft is not because it's an awesome game. If it was a single player only game, it'd have been lost in the ebb of time. The reason it's "addictive" is because of the COMMUNITY. Without the COMMUNITIES within Blizzard Entertainment's games, there would be hardly no replay value to almost all of their games after the first couple times you beat them. So it's not that their games are amazing, it's the community that develops around thier games.
Third off, if you play video games for 14 hours and feel suicidal, you have underlying issues which need to be explored. I played Harvest Moon on N64, for 72 hours with only minor breaks here and there for food, restroom, and occassionally pretending to be asleep when my mom went to work. That was a fun 3 days. My friend was over for those 3 days and he was loving my Skies of Arcadia game on Dreamcast. Oh by the way I didn't own Harvest Moon 64 it was his. We had a lot of fun, neither of us slept, and we spent the rest of the 4 days hanging out, during that week he was at my house.
In the 1950s people were addicted to books, back in the 1960s they were addicted to comics, in the 1970s it was weed, 1980s tv was the culprit, in the 1990s it was a number of things, now in the year 2000 they are claiming that it's video games. None of these things (including weed) have actual physically dependant qualities. With a game collection of over 200 and just as many hours in Disgaea Hour of Darkness as that, I know what it's like to play video games all the time. Im not addicted to them, as a matter of fact I'm only putting in a few hours a week lately. I'm actually TRYING to make MORE time to play video games. I bought a PS3 and I wanted to hang out with my friends at gamestop more than I was motivated to play my brand new PS3.
Just because some people have no will power, no handle on their lives, and family that doens't care enough to do their job and keep their play from escalating to such levels does NOT mean that video games are physically addicting. It just means people need to mature and be stronger willed, get a life, and get an actual family that cares. I wanna smack those parents and go "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST MAKE HIM PAY FOR HIS OWN DANG INTERNET IF HE HIS GRADES WERE THAT BAD." Because face it, that child wouldn't have had such low grades if they told him he'd either have to pay for his internet, or get his grades up. You CANNOT enjoy World of Warcraft if you do not have the internet. Parents are to blame. Friends are to blame. Weak individuals are to blame. Not video games.
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