So, we all know how that went out.
It was North Vietnam, Vietcong, China, Soviet Union, and North Korea against South Vietnam, South Korea, U.S. + allies
Unfortunately, U.S. + allies lost, and South Vietnam reunified with Communist North Vietnam. I just watched the movie
"We Were Soldiers" and damn it's pretty intense. Honestly, we're so bias, and think One American live is worth 1000 foreign lives (still going on today, cough Israel) and there were many casualties.
Anyways, how did this even start? Who cares whose Communist or not, why have a war on it? Why don't the frikin Politicians just fight it out instead of having many people die because of their stubborness? Communism really that bad? I mean I don't see it being bad enough to have a war over it...better than having millions of people die.
I live in Canada, but I kind of though USA thinks they can do whatever they want, trying to govern the world. We tried going in there and couldn't do anything, we tried going into Somalia with President Clinton and couldn't do anything. Now we're going into the Middle-East, and again, will not be able to do anything. So really, what's the point?
I mean, the whole world doesn't need to be like the U.S. Yes, there's places like Africa which really need help, but the truth is we can't do anything. I mean.. we could have pulled an Israel in Vietnam War,etc and just bombed the whole damn place, but then would it feel like that happening to us?
The so-called strongest military Country in the world can't do anything to even 3rd world countries...our gov't is so screwed up lol.
The soldiers of North Vietnam were only fighting for their country pretty much, they were just doing what their leaders were telling them to. They were supposed to kill us, and we were supposed to return the favor. That's what the Taliban,etc are doing also, we kill them, they kill us. We can always leave them alone...
And after we've probably killed millions and millions of civilians, we start freaking out when a thousand died on September 11th. I doubt the gov't even cares about the losses of their own people, they just keep sending in men. Every problem has a root cause and I honestly think the U.S. is the reason for a lot of the violence in the world.
- U.S. appoints its Puppet Dictator and Violent Shah in Iran.
- Iran people overthrow the Shah. Iran Revolution (most of Iran is Shia, and Iraq has more Shia than Sunnis)
- Saddham gets scared and attacks Iran.
- U.S. supports Saddham.
- We kill Saddham.
- Iran hates our guts. And of course you get more terrorists in Iraq that also hate us
Oh, and don't forget Russia harassing Afghanistan while U.S. President Jimmy Carter backed up the "Terrorists" in Afghanistan to fight Russia. Then the U.S. didn't even care to help rebuild Afghanistan. Now when I think of the midst of the Cold War, all of these nations got into struggles just because of U.S. and Russia. That's so screwed up.
Anyways, when do you guys think the next World-Scale War will be and who will take part?!
In your opinion, who are the Top 10 Military (overall) Leaders (countries) in the world?
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