Links & Articles:
Wikipedia : Main details.
For info on Gunman.
For info on the Gunman's life at the Uni.
For info on Town's response to massacre.
For info on Students reaction to Tradegy.
For info on Named Victims.
Quotes on Tradegy.
Gunmans Quotes in Final Video.
Gunmans Final Video.
Student talks of escaping Gunman.
Candlelight Vigil for Victims.
MOST RECENT NEWS: Gunman's Family are 'So Sorry' and Gunmans Final Video
Total of 33 dead (including suicide of Gunman), and around 15 injured. Case is now the deadliest shooting at a US educational facilitiy.
Police have stated that the gunman is Cho Seung-hui, a 23-year-old from South Korea, final year student, who was studying English and lived on campus. Described as being a 'loner'. He also recieved mental care at a mental unit up until late 2005.
Police now confirmed that two hanguns have been recovered, 9mm and 22mm weapons. First gun purchased on 13th March.
The Gunman reportedly left behind a "disturbing note" following the first killings of the morning, but not all of the contents have been revealed. He also sent a 'Final Video' to NBC News Network in the US. This can be seen here.
Gunman described as almost dressed like a 'boy scout,' wearing a short-sleeved tan shirt and a black ammunition vest.
His face was reported to have been badly damaged after killing himself, but that he had been positively identified by fingerprints and immigration records.
George W. Bush comments: 'Schools should be places of safety and sanctuary and learning. When that sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every American clasroom and every American community.' He also added that America was: 'Shocked and Saddened. Today our nation grieves with those who have lost loved ones at Virginia Tech. We hold the victims in our hearts. We lift them up in our prayers. And we ask a loving God to comfort those who are suffering today.'
Two shootings at Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, USA on 16th April '07.
The first at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a student dormitory at 7:15 AM. 911 was called at that time. Two killed here (including Gunman's girlfriend).
The second, which happened approx. 2 hours later at Norris Hall, an engineering building. 30 killed here (including Gunman via suicide).
Police have now confirmed that the gunman had killed himself at Norris Hall.
Still investigating whether the two shootings were connected, and also, if the bomb threats which the University had recieved in the past few weeks were connected to the shooter (s).
Eye witnesses say the Gunman had appeared in the dorm. and was looking for his girlfriend, then opened fire.
Police have now confirmed that the Gunman was a student at the University.
Map and Timeline of Key Events:
For all details of events click here.
(Updated Frequently)
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