1. Humans are mammals, and we are great apes. We possess the same impulses and needs as all mammals. If a mammal sometimes has to fight to fulfill one of those needs or impulses, then don't we?
2. Still, as much as fighting is a natural thing, war is no longer natural. The way we fight wars now is tottally unnatural, with weapons capable of leveling entire city blocks and chemical weapons that can kill thousands.
1. And yet like I said we have proven to fight our natural predispositions in many instances.2. So the only way our behavior should be "unnatural" is in the means we use to carry out those tasks? Shouldnt we also pursue to achieve the non-carrying out of those tasks whenever thats possible? And thus be "unnatural".
But can we? These things are hard wired into us, and while at times we can seperate ourselves from our more primal emotions, we cannot completely sever our ties with what nature gave us. I never said we shouldn't try to prevent conflict. My orginal post is on an earlier page: I would suggest reading it. I merely said that conflict is not "unnatural".
I am not expecting humanity to achieve that (as in I dont demand it, nor do I find it easy), but I will deffinetely not accept that its hard wired into us just so that I comfort myself.No no I am not saying the people should avoid any kind of conflict. Fights and arguments will be had, friends might swear at each other and so on. But war is not just conflict and I wont accept that we cant possibly live without it; as in that it cant possible be 100% avoided. And in the end it doesnt matter if indeed it cant be avoided 100%.
And the interview you are about to have wont guarantee you the job but still you try to do your best. The odds are against you and yet you try to do your best. Can that be seen as ignoring those odds to achieve it? Perhaps. I dont find idealistic mindsets to be detrimental. In fact, in some cases they can be inspiring and surely not achieve that 100% but deffinetely will prevent that percentage from falling due to our conceding to the situation.
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