Topic needs more cnn or something.rudyroundhead
honestly, like the government would let CNN disperse this kind of information. it's these "invalid" sites that always keep the citizens/cattle right where the shepard want's them, in the gray area so it could be forgotten and labeled as myth.
""Our analysts assess with high confidence that al-Qaida's central leadership is planning high-impact plots against the U. S. homeland."
"We assess with high confidence that al-Qaida is focusing on targets that would produce mass casualties, dramatic destruction and significant aftershocks."
An eye for an eye. Use of nukes will justify use of nukes. A perfect excuse to wage nuclear war against Iran. "
Sound similar to 9/11? eye for an eye, (sound we could weaken afganistan and then iraq to lead to the possibilityof surrounding Iran, IF Needed).... IF Iran Ever Were To Launch Nukes Toward Isreal or any of it's allies, like the muslim extremist world promised the U.S government would have more options on the table.
besides this "incident" is perfect for the for the U.S gov. to smuggle a nuke toward the middle east without the UN, military serviceman, or other world patroling or comprimising forces toknow about such information.
military masterminds are supposed to expect the worst and assume nothing, it makes perfect sense. but the real question is -How many Nukes does it take To start a smallscale nucler war? just one my friend just one-
"it's not the terrorist that buys several nukes, it's the terrorist that only wants one that scares me"-quote from some movie i saw long ago....
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