@theone86 said:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been online since the days of dial-up, and this kind of thing isn't going away anytime soon. The reason I installed an ad-blocker in the first place was because some sites would have so many damn ads I literally couldn't scroll without running into lag issues. I thought "there's no way this sort of thing is going to become common, right?" Wrong. After that it was the pop-up ads that, again, cause slowdown issues, and again I thought "this can't become common, right?" Wrong. Then as soon as adblockers start becoming common on PC's it starts on mobile. Reading an article, halfway through an ad pops up, interrupts me, and takes me back to the top of the page. "Can't become common, right?" Wrong. How about ads that play ten times as loud as the shows they're played during and end up blowing out my speakers, can't become common, right? Wrong.
I'm not sure if advertisers are the dumbest people on earth or the most self-serving, or maybe both, but they will do literally anything to get your attention, even in a bad way. If they do something that every other person on earth finds disturbing they will justify it by the fact that people are paying attention. And if you don't believe me remember, these are the people who at one time were literally researching a form of mind control in order to sell soda.
The reason I first installed adblocker....no it was originally called popup blocker back in those days....was because on a system with less than 64 MB of RAM and less than 150MHz of processing power running Windows 95/98SE, popups use to eat so much resources that it would slow my computer to a crawl, thus a popup blocker came in handy.
Then I finally got a new system strong enough to run Windows XP with 128 MB of RAM and about 266MHz of processing power. Thought to myself that "Hey, I can finally take on popups or animated flash ads, no problem! So I don't need no stinkin popup blocker!". Got proven wrong quickly when I first discovered adware viruses that spammed a volley of popups enough to crash my system. The last straw before I went back to installing a popup blocker was being hit a few times with that one particularly annoying popup that didn't want to close no matter how many times you try to exit it out...
Then came the days where animated flash ads became annoying. They originally weren't so bad because they used to be small and out of the way. But then as years went by, they started to get bigger and demanded so much resources, started making noises when your mouse accidentally travels over them, then began causing flash player to stop responding which led to my browser crashing often. That's when I had enough and discovered Ad blockers which I consider a must have component for the internet...
Reason why I keep an ad blocker handy now is because I've acquired some nasty viruses that seem to piggyback off of certain ads. That, and ads compared to how they were 10+ years ago are no longer inconspicuous but are now obnoxious, in your face, disrupting webpage layouts, floating over content you're TRYING to look at, causing pages to take 10+ seconds to load up, making unwanted noises in the background, and redirecting you to other sites when you try exiting them out or clicking around them. Yeah, they aren't making it very appealing for me NOT to want to use adblock...
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