Yay me. Attempted suicide. Welcome me back to the world again.
I'm working on a get well card
@nirgal: I don't want to speak for Deviliniron but I think an answer to your question would require him to retread difficult ground so be careful what you ask and consider what it would require him to think about and go through to provide an answer.
Dude, don't do that. I know we don't agree on much if anything, but remember your life is valuable. A support group would probably help you because you'd find people do care about you. Take care. If you get those urges, tell yourself you won't act for 48 hours and seek the help you need. Good luck.
I know we don't agree on much if anything
I'm willing to bet there's probably more people have in common than they realize. Sometimes people make the small stuff big and they forget about everything else.
Hope you recover and find meaning and happiness 😊!
When I feel a bit down, I like to think about all the technical breakthroughs that are just around the corner. For example AGI. The world will get crrrrrazy, you don’t wanna miss that 😁!
I’m just too curious to see how it will play out to check out prematurly 🤓.
Anyway, all the best to you!
Gratitude, feeling grateful for the little things in life, can be a big tonic. This attitude will make you feel happy no matter what the circumstances.
But it's sometimes difficult to feel grateful when life seems like a nightmare for whatever reason (abusive parents, abusive relationship, poverty, etc). In that case, I suggest adopting a fighter attitude and work your way towards happines. Happiness is your right that only you can claim.
Lastly, you should not link your happiness to things that like a spiders web are fragile like relationships. Make a strong foundation for inner happiness and you will never ever will suicidal again.
Best of luck for your life journey from a total stranger.
@danishanwar: I think one thing that helps is volunteering or have a job working with people who need help, it feels good to have a positive influence and to see a positive result from your actions. You also are humbled by witnessing the struggles of others.
@DEVILinIRON: I'm happy you're such a failure in this very specific regard 😉😋
With that said, I wish you all the success in your other pursuits not related to self-harm 😊🙂
Gratitude, feeling grateful for the little things in life, can be a big tonic. This attitude will make you feel happy no matter what the circumstances.
This x a million billion.
Practicing gratitude is one thing that has changed my life in recent years. Start small and build on it.
I wake up and I'm thankful for my blanket. Thankful for hot showers. Thankful for tea. Thankful for being able to see the sunrise at work, for that 10-minute respite. Thankful I work with friends. Thankful I have a job (even if it can suck sometimes).
The more you do it, the better you will feel. You're more or less rewiring your brain. And you don't need to be thankful for big things (though you can be, too!). Like this doesn't need to be some big spiritual journey, you can be pragmatic.
The thing is, as you acclimate to it, you (well, me I guess) will turn into this positive person and you'll see just how miserable people are around you and how they bring it on themselves at time. Not that people don't have serious problems, but we tend to dwell on the bad and don't acknowledge the good in your life. My coworker is always whining about his roommate, but never talks about how they're also good friends with years of history. He complains about his car breaking down, but doesn't celebrate how he has two cars and the other one works. He complains about taking his dog to the vet, but never appreciates having such a really great companion.
It's free, it's easy (with practice), and it works.
Gratitude! Try it out.
@DEVILinIRON: can you just give us a thumbs up that you're ok, getting help / got things under control pls mate?
I'm 👌. Thanks for asking.
@girlusocrazy: Thanks. I have a bunch of support that was assigned to me as a condition of release. So I'm doing OK. :-)
I don't visit this board very often, but I'm glad I came here today and read this. I really hope you get better. As I person who has had some, albeit rather minor, 'episodes' with my mental health over the years, and knowing of some others, I can appreciate what you've been going through.
Stay strong.
This may be rather a cliché saying, but remember, 'it's okay, not to be okay'.
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