I was out surfing today and this popped up in mind. If you belive the bible about Adam and Eve........ then that means we're all related. Your thoughts?
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I was out surfing today and this popped up in mind. If you belive the bible about Adam and Eve........ then that means we're all related. Your thoughts?
After Adam and Eve, Noah supposedly repopulated the world. We're all descendants of a Middle-Eastern merchant... :PI was out surfing today and this popped up in mind. If you belive the bible about Adam and Eve........ then that means we're all related. Your thoughts?
I am not giving you my thoughts, I hate clowns,especially the one in your Sig :cry:gun65oooo Pennywise , what a creepy creepy guy.
I am not giving you my thoughts, I hate clowns,especially the one in your Sig :cry:gun65SHHHHH..... behind you......... RAWWWWWRRRRRR
[QUOTE="gun65"]I am not giving you my thoughts, I hate clowns,especially the one in your Sig :cry:DrummerJonoooo Pennywise , what a creepy creepy guy. Pennywise is probably the best Clown ever to have lived a fictional existence...
Awesome. Now which cousin are you? The 2978th, or the 2979th? :PMedia_geek20probably closer to 457928405748584th :P
[QUOTE="craig828"]Somehow, I highly doubt it. And I'm religious.proctorsurfWhat are your thoughts then? that guy in your sig....i had nightmares of him for years!!! Scariest. Book. EVER!!!! o and the movie was ok too
[QUOTE="Apollo5000"][QUOTE="Koolsen"]EW. Your all incestous!KoolsenSo are you... Wanna be incestous together? :oops: How can i say this in a way that won't hurt your feelings.... NO...
no, adam and eve would have to be every race, think about it?PierSkillzAlso note that Adam and Eves bloodline was cut down to 4 families during the great flood.
as a person taking R.E GCSE, i have reasearched this and according to the christian faith, the christian god put more people on earth than adam and eve. another source i found suggested that adam and eve actually represented more than two people. megastarjoshDoes that mean the metaphorical fruit was also more than just one event and the snake was also more than one? I doubt the acts of one in Eden would have effected everyone. No one likes a party pooper....
According to that story they had two sons, and that's it. So yeah, if you believe that story you would have to believe we came from incest.ithilgore2006And according to other information that people used in retaliation to that was "Adam and Eve actually had over 50 children, Cain and Abel were only the ones the book wrote about" Still 50 children that are all siblings...
aparantly, there was no snake and there was no fruit, some brands of christianity, such as my own, believe it was representing and symbolising something else.megastarjoshHence the use of metaphorical in my post :P
no, adam and eve would have to be every race, think about it?PierSkillzNo, those were adaptations of where they migrated too..... people in cold climates had fair skin.... people that lived in ones like Africa have darker skin...... it was an adaptation.
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