I work in retail, and yesterday I had a customer who sounded exactly like one of my aunts. She had her same exact voice. While I was thinking about that, she said to me, "You remind me of my nephew."
I thought that was a really weird, huge coincidence. But the problem was, I couln't say, "Actually, you remind me of my aunt" without it sounding like I was just making it up. But I didn't think about the fact that she wouldn't believe me before saying that. So, of course, I said, "Wow, that's weird. I was just thinking you reminded me of my aunt." Then immediately I realized how weird that sounded because...what are the odds of that being true? (Even though it was.)
So anyway, she didn't seem to believe me. In fact, she seemed kind of weirded out. It was really awkward.
So here was this astronomical coincidence completely lost on this lady.
Has anybody else had anything slightly awkward like this happen? One of those situations where you can't really explain yourself to the other person because it's not quite a big enough deal to matter that much, but it still makes you feel a little uncomfortable?
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