I am just wondering how old the gamespot commumnity are. I am 23 later this year is this the average age or am I too old for gamespot or What
I ThiNK That i aM TOo oLd FOR GAMespOT and I sHOULD get a LifE soi soi sOi Soi soi SOI
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I am just wondering how old the gamespot commumnity are. I am 23 later this year is this the average age or am I too old for gamespot or What
I ThiNK That i aM TOo oLd FOR GAMespOT and I sHOULD get a LifE soi soi sOi Soi soi SOI
18 OR 67 I CaNt ReAD SORrY yOUI wIlL haVe To SpEAK LoudEr ROflcOPTeR
I see...and you're 22? I doubt it.
Get a life, learn to stop being such an ass. :|I am just wondering how old the gamespot commumnity are. I am 23 later this year is this the average age or am I too old for gamespot or What
I ThiNK That i aM TOo oLd FOR GAMespOT and I sHOULD get a LifE soi soi sOi Soi soi SOI
I am just wondering how old the gamespot commumnity are. I am 23 later this year is this the average age or am I too old for gamespot or What
I ThiNK That i aM TOo oLd FOR GAMespOT and I sHOULD get a LifE soi soi sOi Soi soi SOI
You're not banned yet ? Ah well, shouldn't be long until that happens.
18 OR 67 I CaNt ReAD SORrY yOUI wIlL haVe To SpEAK LoudEr ROflcOPTeR
I see...and you're 22? I doubt it.
I second this.
Me too.Same
Maybe. But who cares.
You forgot to put a point between 2 and 3.rom11
Why isn't he even banned yet? He's been (poorly) insulting people and disruptive posting for days...
I'm 17, Also:
I would never want to meet someone like Ghengis Khan.. He seems, a little out of it.
Ghengis Khan isn't that bad.[QUOTE="kingman03"][QUOTE="Efielret"]18.
I would never want to meet someone like Ghengis Khan.. He seems, a little out of it.
I iSS LoViNG you. YoU are Now MY NUmBer ONE FriENd on Gamespot
18 OR 67 I CaNt ReAD SORrY yOUI wIlL haVe To SpEAK LoudEr ROflcOPTeR
I see...and you're 22? I doubt it.
I second this.
Me too.Same
I fifth this...
Also, I am 17.
[QUOTE="tofu-lion91"][QUOTE="rom11"]You forgot to put a point between 2 and 3.Ghengis-khan
Why isn't he even banned yet? He's been (poorly) insulting people and disruptive posting for days...
i is noT liKiNG you. I wilL NEvEr geT bAnNEd And NEiTheR WIlL MY alt. aCCOUnT NoNE OF YOU know wHo iT IS
:|Oh really? We'll see.[QUOTE="tofu-lion91"][QUOTE="rom11"]You forgot to put a point between 2 and 3.Ghengis-khan
Why isn't he even banned yet? He's been (poorly) insulting people and disruptive posting for days...
i is noT liKiNG you. I wilL NEvEr geT bAnNEd And NEiTheR WIlL MY alt. aCCOUnT NoNE OF YOU know wHo iT IS
You're getting banned now. Gamespot doesn't tolerate with alt accounts, I know. >.>i is noT liKiNG you. I wilL NEvEr geT bAnNEd And NEiTheR WIlL MY alt. aCCOUnT NoNE OF YOU know wHo iT IS
With the way you type ? It will be a piece of cake...:roll:
[QUOTE="Ghengis-khan"][QUOTE="tofu-lion91"][QUOTE="rom11"]You forgot to put a point between 2 and 3.R0cky_Racc00n
Why isn't he even banned yet? He's been (poorly) insulting people and disruptive posting for days...
i is noT liKiNG you. I wilL NEvEr geT bAnNEd And NEiTheR WIlL MY alt. aCCOUnT NoNE OF YOU know wHo iT IS
You're getting banned now. Gamespot doesn't tolerate with alt accounts, I know. >.>Can you request a ban of another member? I've been reporting his messages but nothing seems to be happening >_>
I even reported that one where he mentions alt accounts for illegal activities but nothing seems to be done about it...
[QUOTE="Ghengis-khan"]I am just wondering how old the gamespot commumnity are. I am 23 later this year is this the average age or am I too old for gamespot or What
I ThiNK That i aM TOo oLd FOR GAMespOT and I sHOULD get a LifE soi soi sOi Soi soi SOI
You're not banned yet ? Ah well, shouldn't be long until that happens.
uugggghhh seriously if i have to read one more post with this "SOI SOI SOI" crap im gunna get myself banned...
Twelve -- if I recall correctly, GameSpot launched in 1996.CptJSparrow
Oh, I thought that YOU are twelve!:lol:
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