What happens with those children who die before properly getting into their senses?
It is generally accepted among most Christian denominations that young children are innocent in God's eyes and do go to Heaven.
If they go to paradise then why?
Because young children do not have the ability to consciously make the choice to follow or reject God, therefore there is no reason for them to go to Hell.
Where is their test?
:| Who said anything about a test?
And since they never experienced life,how would they appreciate paradise anyways?
Because senses presumably work differently in Paradise. . .
There just simply cannot be happiness and pleasure without sadness and pain so how exactly is paradise going to change this?
How is being gifted some beautifull women(who lets suppose have desires for you as well as that's what I have heard atleast) more satisfying than scoring a hot chick?
Because you may love the beautiful woman, but not the hot chick.:|
Where is going to be the satisfaction of working your ass off and then one day buy a diamond ring for your love?
For the reason you love her.:|
One thing I've noticed: your arguments against God tend to be based on very shallow premises, calling upon the bad looks of people as though it were an argument.:|
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