This thread is inspired by mess of an argument in that "my music is better than yours" thread.
In that thread, some people are seriously trying to argue that quality in music is objective and that "goodness" and "badness" are objective. I keep having to say over and over again that objectivity only deals with facts such as "Thriller is Michael Jackson's second album" and not judgments of quality. It's like people think there's some sort of different in subjectivity between "I like this band" and "This band is bad" or "This band is low quality". :lol:
On another forum I used to go to, this one lady arguing on the pro-choice side (note that I'm pro choice on abortion) tried to argue that fetus's are only alive once they exit the womb. She came up with all kind of crazy arguments, but that was the craziest IMO and it turned into a huge thread. So basically she claims that until the umbilical chord is cut, the baby is dead. Again, crazy.
What some of the facepalm worthy debates you've been in? You can provide links if you wish.
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