@AFBrat77 said:
@warmblur said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
Dexter (the series went to 2013 so I am counting it)
Cheater :p but yeah Dexter was a damn good show especially the early seasons.
I really enjoyed the first 4 seasons of Dexter, at that point it was one of my favorite shows .....ever. But after what happened and the end of the 4th season, I expected it to really take off without his wife to hold him back. Didn't happen, a change of writers perhaps? The show seemed to run out of steam. I'd recommend first 4 seasons to anyone.
They turned it into a show for chicks, making all those romantic things occur. You know he had the same girlfriend/wife for multiple seasons then in the last two seasons he suddenly has two girlfriends. For a certified psychopath with a confessed lack of interest in courtship and sex, he sure seems to be interested in it.
That, and the whole "serial killers are the next evolution of humanity" theory by the psychiatrist was a bit far fetched.
The thing I like about Dexter is it was quirky, dark, funny, heavy, but never preposterous. Like you could totally imagine a guy like Dexter actually being a real person. But then they went kind of "hardcore" with all his inner demons and social life and it was just too much. The world's greatest (in multiple ways) serial killer suddenly gets found out by like five people? WTF is that about.
@JustPlainLucas said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
Dexter (the series went to 2013 so I am counting it)
Well, if we're doing that, I'm counting Breaking Bad, too. And It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as well.
Not going to really come up with a list for the decade, because I'm really bad at that, but I will say The Boys is one of the best shows I've seen in recent years.
Ooof, I loved The Boys. Great show, probably the best spin on superhumans out of all the things that try to spin superhumans.
The previews did not do it justice, I was expecting this gorefest (and it had it's moments) but it was actually a really well-rounded show that didn't venture into gore-porn territory.
The Superman-guy was absolutely menacing imo, great antagonist. Can't wait for season two, helluva cliffhanger.
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