Now for me, I think that every race is to big to generalize everyone, but there still tend to be quirks of different cultures though.
Though I'm not racist against any race, I still notice these things...
WHITES: Okay, I see our white culture as Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and America of course, although America itself is the most diverse country in the world. We are very advanced, in everything, we TOOK OVER America from the Indians, we DID slaughter them, although at first remember we still allied with many nice tribes and warred with many bad tribe ETC. We also have the most powerful military in the world. (America.)
We think our Western civilisation is perfect and utopian, we think we can invade uncivilised country's and excpect them to convert to democracy, we *****foot around real issues. But still, places like America, England, and Canada ETC are still better places to live than other countries, yeah.
BLACKS: I know alot of nice black people, they're cool and all, I don't have any problems with blacks really.
Still though, I'm NOT calling you African American, I'm calling you BLACK, okay, you can call me white but I DON'T want that much of a longer word when I'm called simpley "White".
Also, where I live there was a really cool Egyptian museum thing built, well of course all the blacksare outraged!!! Why? BECAUSE THEY SAY THAT KING TUT SHOULD BE BLACK!!!!
What the hell!!!! Just stop it!!! King Tut was NOT black!!! EGYPTIANS ARE NOT BLACK!!! Okay, North Africa is not where blacks come from.
Let me repeat it.
Also, JESUS IS NOT BLACK EITHER!!! Its not opinion on what he looked like, he just WASN'T BLACK!!!! He certainly didn't have blond hair and blue eyes but yeah...
JEWS ARE NOT BLACK!!! JESUS WASN'T BLACK!!!!1 He was Jewish!!! Just go to Isreal and look at some Isreali's, see, they may not look compltely arab but they AREN'T BLACK!!!!
And on a side note, ARABS ARE NOT BLACK EITHER!!!!
Asians: I have alot of respect for Chinese and Japanese culture, and of course have no problems with them, bu I'm tired of these little issues....
1. Katana's are NOT the ultimate sword!!! If a Katana sparred witha European longsword, it would shatter the Katana to peices, LONGSWORDS are not heavy either, stop it with your nonsense people!!!!
2. Sorry, but the Japanese killed millions upon millions of innocent civilians in China during WW2, in fact close to 20 million (72 million people died in WW2 worldwide, but a large portion of this is Chinese deaths.) Ever heard of the Rape of Nangking??? So go read your history books before you actually feel bad for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Please...
3.China is a very powerful superpower, but even though they have 11 million people in their military, they CAN"T beat us, they are very slow, their Air force and Navy are completely inferior to ours, if we DID have to go to war with them, they'd be slaughtered, its just MORE PEOPLE TO KILL. Of course unlike many other country's, I like China alot so I wouldn't want them to war us but people who act like they could beat us, yeah you have NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!! I mean look at Vietnam, 60,000 of our guys died while MILLIONS of North Vietnamese soldiers died. Now imagine the modern day US military actually fighting a real army...
LATIN AMERICANS: I henestly don't care, they don't do anything bad, forget about Illegal immigrants, its no big deal.
Also Hugo Chavez is an idiot. He poses NO threat to America, there wil be no war in Venazuala, get over it.
MIDDLEASTERNS: I don't know whats up with all these extremists!!! What do they want??? They just want our style of life with their set of rules!!!
But all the other non pycho's are nice enough. Well last time I got suspended when talking about the Isreali conflict.
But all I'll say is this. PERFECT EXAMPLE OF US *****FOOTING AROUND!!!!! Although like I said before, all the other non extremests are nice people.
JEWS: Well, so many people hate them, yet most of them I've met are really nice, probably because they have to be nice because if they were mean, then everyone will see a reason for hate and pounce!!!!!!
Seriously, if you hate Jews, go put a gun to your head and blow your brains out.
So what are your thoughts on racism????
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