I'm reading two books...
This: http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780804110303
And this: http://www.amazon.com/Path-Destruction-Novel-Republic-Darth/dp/0345477367
Both are awesome.
So what books are YOU currently reading???
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I'm reading two books...
This: http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780804110303
And this: http://www.amazon.com/Path-Destruction-Novel-Republic-Darth/dp/0345477367
Both are awesome.
So what books are YOU currently reading???
Our Town
The American Dream
The Things They Carried
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat
All for school. :cry:
In that first book, Sergeant Major, is about a guy in the USMC (Sergeant MAjor Maurice Jacques who served in the USMC for over 30 years, and has over 50 months of combat action in Korea and Vietnam!!! He even got shot in the neck and continued to lead his men even as blood was squirting out his throat.
That guy could kick Chuck Norris's ass.
I finished Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer a few weeks ago. I was reading The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, but then I stopped and will start reading it again when school starts.ayanami_reiMy female friends are were going crazy over this book. something about a hot vampire. I mean like 10 of them were talking about this book
Rereading "The Killer Angels" - historical fiction about the Battle of Gettysburg.
That book was awesome, I've been to Gettysburg a million times and saw the movie a billion time.
Hatchepsut by Joyce Tyldesley
Shostakovich - Symphonies and Concertos by David Hurwitz
After Dark by Haruki Murakami
[QUOTE="ayanami_rei"]I finished Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer a few weeks ago. I was reading The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, but then I stopped and will start reading it again when school starts.lugiemojeedMy female friends are were going crazy over this book. something about a hot vampire. I mean like 10 of them were talking about this book :P Eclipse? They are must be talking about Edward if it is Eclipse. :P
After Dark by Haruki Murakami
I'm about to start reading Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. Have you read it by any chance?
At the moment reading:
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky
I've started reading the Harry Potter series again... I'm finishing off the first book at the moment.SolidSnake35
Same here. I may be in my late twenties but I have to admit that the series was good. I'm finishing the 4th book now.
^i should've took AP english, but didn't want the burden
The Grapes of Wrath, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
After Dark by Haruki Murakami
I'm about to start reading Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. Have you read it by any chance?
At the moment reading:
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky
Indeed I have although I think that his novel A Wild Sheep Chase is probably my favorite. Not that you can go wrong with a H. Murakami novel.
I don't believe in reading books.
Ok, yea I do. It's just that I hate to start reading a book because my mind is thinking "ugh, I don't really like reading you know. It's kind of boring;" but then when I actually start the book, I can't put it down. Anyways, my latest book was "Odd Thomas."
You should see that movie. I've heard the book was great, but I've yet to read it.
Seeing Bob Newhart as Sergeant Major Major Major was hilarious.
I'm trying to read the seventh Harry Potter book...but it's no gloomy and dark and it does it all horribly. I always liked Harry Potter books for the magic and the sense of humor, NEVER the plot, and NEVER the serious characters. (does JK Rowling even do character development?) When you take away the first two, you're left with a very bland, very boring book.AquaMantor
heh i laughed at some parts of the 7th one...maybe im just weird. I just finished slaughter house-five and im readin cat's cradle. Ive also been trying to finish closing time by joseph heller (sequel to catch 22)
[QUOTE="jt222_us"]I'm reading "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, the same book that the creator of Bioshock got many of his ideas for creating the city of "Rapture".giton
Great book. I recommend The Fountainhead too, if you haven't read it.
As entertaining as Ayn Rand books are, I end up disliking them. I've read three of hers, the above pair and 'Anthem", and I only re-read "Anthem" once every year or so when I'm bored.
And nice pick on Gravity's Rainbow. That book is trippy.
last time i read a book was 3 days after the harry potter book came out (when i finished it)
i've read some magazines though since
[QUOTE="jt222_us"]I'm reading "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, the same book that the creator of Bioshock got many of his ideas for creating the city of "Rapture".giton
Great book. I recommend The Fountainhead too, if you haven't read it.
Yeah, I rented "Atlas Shrugged" from the college library and am only 100 pages into it and am amazed already. I also ordered "Atlas Shrugged" along with "The Fountainhead" off of Amazon and can't wait to own both of those works.
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