I think I'm going to wait until the end of the season and then watch them all one by one back to back because my faith in the show recovering due to Kring's Japanophilia and a shooting schedule not tainted by a looming WGA strike was dashed when I saw how many characters were retconned, reset, and resurrected. And while Kring admitted that part of the reason Season 2 failed was because of his Japanophilia...it's back and stronger than ever.
Also, these "chapters" were supposed to be new stories with only a couple of characters from the previous chapter to tie into the next. That de-evolved into the same characters with a few new characters in a new story to the chapters being a continuation of the Season 1 story....a complete 180 from what was promised....and even this story has stalled.
They still don't know what they want "the company" to be yet. It's changed disposition, goals, and bosses 3 times in 3 years. And inside of all the radical changes made from season to season, there are all sorts of little microchanges throughout. Complexity is one thing, but it's like they're being complex with "the company" because even they don't know what it fully is yet. Kind of like what NBC/Sci-Fi did on BSG with the "Cylon Plan".
I mean, I hope the show gets better, but with as many promises that weren't delivered on in this show and the elements present in the show that have usually equalled "JTS" for other shows (i.e. Reset Button)...I'm not very optimistic.
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