So what to you Englanders think?
I'm not British, but I think that...
1. If Bush was doing this for money, then WHY WOULD WE BE SPENDING MORE MONEY THAN WE'RE MAKING OFF THE OIL!?!?
2. It seems like whenever the insurgents attack, 28 of them get killed, and 2 Marines die, then everyones all scared and thinks we're losing even though they take way more casualties.
3. Since the insurgents don't do so well in firefights, they use suicide bombings and kill more civilians, like an Al quaida dude goes into a crowd with a bomb, blows himself up, kills 70 women and children and 1 Marine.
4. We need to stop mixing civilian casualtie numbers with insurgent casualtie numbers, otherwise everyone thinks we're slaughtering civilians by the thousands.
5. We're not making any new friends.
So whats your opinion English people? (Canadian people can't vote in the poll, Canadians, face it, your just frosty Americans.
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