As a lot of you have heard, posted 90,000 leaked documents in regards to the Afgahn war. So far, a lot of what has been posted is not that critical, but it goes without saying that it stillputs peoples lives at risk because of it. Being assoicated with the military very closely, I take it as a personal attack against myself and others because of the leaked documents. My reasoning is that someone that posts this sort of information just to support their bullcrap political agenda at the risk of lives is selfish and hypocritical. They are hypocritical because in not supporting the war in Afgahnistan, they are hoping it goes badly for the US and Alliesin the ammount of lives lost. So in essence, they are against "war" but they will try and make the situation worse to support their cause. Not only is it putting US and Allies lives at risks, but civilians on the ground. They make a big deal about accidental civilian casualties, but what about the documents that point to civilians in Afgahnistan that help the US and Allies? Hmmm... seems like they dont give a crap about anyone accept their ratings and how many "hits" they get on their site, and their obvious weak attempt to undermine the war. They alsosay they are trying to prove war crimes... even though there are no war crimes. War crimes is just a term thrown around by the extreme left to provoke a response. They want to see war crimes, therefore any civilian death they see on paper will be a war crime...
Personally I wish there was some way to arrest and prosecute the owner of wikileaksand persons involved, but I know that is probably just wishful thinking.
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