I dont believe it but it's still interesting. The consipracy is that Paul died from a car crash in 1966 and was replaced by a double named William Shears (who was referenced in the song Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: "So let me introduce to you/ The one and only Billy Shears/ and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"). Apparently there was a coverup because The Beatles made so much money for the British Government through taxe coffers. Lennon was killed when he was about to make a public announcement of the coverup (which is the part I find hard to believe...)
Pic of Billy Shears and Paul McCartney (actually just a mirror image, not sure why the website had it on there):
There are also references to the death in a couple songs and album covers:
In Nordic culture, Walruses are the symbol of death. Lennon sings in "Glass Onion" - "And here's another clue for you all: The Walrus was Paul".
Played backwards, the song Revolution 9 repeatedly says: "Turn me on, dead man"
On the cover of Let it Be, Paul's face is the only one covered, and has a red background.
On the cover of Abbey Road, Paul is walking barefoot with his eyes closed. Lennon is dress in white to symbolize the Preacher, Starr in black for the Undertaker, and Harrison in jeans and work clothes for the Gravedigger.
So what do you guys think? For me, a lot of these theories are a bit of a reach and the meanings of the covers and lyrics can be interpreted as anything. The part about his death and Lennon's assasination for wanting to come clean being a government conspiracy is too much for me.
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