Why did you come to this site initially?
Was it for game reviews, videos, previews, the forums or what?
And why this site in particular? What set it apart from IGN, Giantbomb, blah, blah, etc etc.
I first came to read reviews about games I was getting on my brand spanking new 360 about a year and a half ago.
A month later, I decided to set up an account for no reason really. Four or five months after that, I stumbled across the forums and about a month after that I made my first post *tear*.
I have no idea why I was attracted to this site at the start, I spose it was the great review style, and the later the quality and layout of the forums.
Question is, why do you have an active account on Gamespot? What is it about this website that makes you come back on nearly a daily basis?
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