For better or worse, everyone gets nostalgic thoughts and feelings. Am I right? Well, show us here what gives YOU nostalgia!
For me and probably many others, this does it. I just recall waking up every Saturday and enjoying the very first season...*sigh* The good 'ol days :) I used to sing along...:oops: Yes...I was a hardcore PokeFreak in my younger days :cry: I LOVED IT! :D
I remember my N64 days, and this being one of my favorite games on it! I loved it, especially the music for some of the minigames and especially the final battle. Too bad all the newer Mario Party games don't hold a candle to its older versions :( I remember ALWAYS playing this battle :P It was just so awesome to me. I also liked the minigame where you fight for the key...freakin' awesome.
The first season of this show was awesome, too. I loved the intro XD
All this reminiscing makes me feel old...:cry:
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