So many things I could write about. There was the time I was running on our treadmill (which is at the top of our attic stairs). I tried running onto it full speed and was sent flying back, down a flight of 30 stairs, and smashed into a door, breaking the locks off. Sprained my arm and tore a few ligaments in my leg.
There was the time I was walking down my road and I got sideswiped by a semi's mirror. Sent me flying a good 10-15 feet. Nothing broken, but my upper back was bruised for weeks because I tore a few muscle ligaments in my back.
There was the time I was riding my bike down to my friends, hit a racoon that was trying to cross the road, and flew down a 9 foot embankment into a creek. I had rocks in my legs and had to have at least 4 of them surgically removed.
My cousin pushed me into a campfire once. I had first degree burns all over my hands and arms, as well as a small third degree burn on my shoulder.
There was the time I decided to help my cousins reshingle my gradfather's roof after their house caught fire, and I fell off the roof, broke my arm in 2 places and had a nail go right through the bone. Worst short pain I ever felt as I passed out a few seconds later. Woke up in the hospital and had my arm in a cast for 5 weeks. Never had anything but discomfort after that.
Fell off a rocking chair when I was 6 and smashed my head off of a glass table. I split my head open and was knocked out for 2 days. Still have a 4 inch scar of the back of my head.
I was jumping on a trampoline, cousin did that "assisted bounce" thing where you get sent a lot higher than normal, my leg fell between the springs, I fell back snapped my tibia. I was in a cast for a few weeks.
I was playing kickball with my cousins less than a year after the accident with the trampoline, and after kicking the ball tried running to first base, slid through the mud, and smashed my leg off of a tree. I fractured my tibia where I had broken it before and have had a slight limp ever since.
I got shot with a BB gun in my arm. It ricocheted off of my humerus, leaving a hairline fracture.
I punched a brick wall once because I can't control my anger apparently and broke 2 of my fingers. I DID crack the wall, though.
I fell 20 feet out of a tree once when I was 14 and knocked myself out. I had a minor concussion and spent 2 days in bed.
I fell down a flight of stairs when I was 4 and whacked my forehead off of the corner of a de-humidifier. It dented my skull ever so slightly, but I suffered another concussion and was out for 6 or 7 hours. This is my earlist memory, too.
I had a bottle rocket explode in my face because it went haywire in mid-air. It f*cked up my eye because it exploded so close to it, it broke a bunch of blood vessels. I've been seeing fuzzy out of it ever since. (I wear glasses and my left eye, the one that got f'ed up, is 2.00 higher prescription than my right. I'm a 2.25 in my right eye, but a 4.25 in my left. Anyone who wears contacts will know what I am talking about).
I was machining some cast aluminum in shop class my freshman year in high school and had a sharp burning sensation in my arm. Turned out an inch long shred of aluminum embedded itself in my arm. I never had it removed.
I stabbed myself in the gum with a colored pencil my senior year and lost a lot of blood. I actually passed out when I got home, though it stopped bleeding a few minutes before-hand. It doesn't take a huge amount of blood loss to knock me out. I've passed out everytime I've donated blood.
I stepped on a shard of glass at my cousins when I was 13. Spent 2 hours in the hospital having it removed.
I was helping my friend take down his family's old chicken coup last year when I stepped on a nail. At first I didn't think it actually went into my foot because I didn't feel anything outside of a small prick but when I got home later that day and took my shoe off, my sock was almost drenched deep red with blood. Not enough to make me pass out, but I did feel a bit woozy while I was helping him out.
I'm a farmhand, so I do a lot of manual labor. I was helping lift some hay bales into my neighbors barn for some overnight storage when the rope we were using to lift them to the second level snapped and I got buried underneath at leat 4 bales. The impact of me falling to the ground broke one of my ribs.
Basically, If you cross Amy from Futurama, Moleman from the Simpsons, and Kenny from South Park, you have someone who is almost as accident prone as me.
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