What is wrong with society? People can be so careless or so inane sometimes it just baffles me. Example, I've seen more than my share of people perfectly fit for using public washrooms, but they use handicap washrooms when they don't need it. One of my friends who uses a power wheelchair was waiting outside of a handicap washroom for about 5 minutes because someone had the balls to occupy it who was perfectly able-bodied. And just to clear this up, my friend wasn't able to use the public washroom because he can't stand up to use a urinal and there weren't any stalls wide enough for him to park into. He went to the Manager after and he said, "We put a sign on the door to inform people that this is a Handicap Bathroom, but we can't prevent them from using it. If they want to use it, that's there choice." Sure, he was absolutely right, but I just find it completely embarrassing that an adult who should know better has no courtesy for the mobility challenged.
Here's something else that happened recently. My friend was waiting at a bus stop the other day. The bus pulled up and there was a large crowd waiting to get on it. When the doors opened, he was sitting there on the sidewalk waiting for the driver to lower the ramp, but people began to file their way onto the bus, until it went from completely empty to completely packed. So rather than the bus driver letting him on BEFORE the crowd began to pack up the bus, he waited until there wasn't any room left, at which point my friend had to wait 10 more minutes for another bus.
Something else that happened today... I was waiting in line at the store to buy something and this lady was talking to the clerk. She wasn't buying anything she was just socializing with him. Meanwhile there were about 3 or 4 other people behind her, including myself. All of them were customers looking to buy something. We were all standing in line for about three minutes until I just shoved myself in front of her and placed my debit card on the counter. The lady gave me a dirty look and immediately walked out of the store...
Another thing that happened recently, I was at the mall with my friend the other day. (We're both in power wheelchairs), and we were waiting at the elevator to head down to the bottom floor where the food court was. There was a small lineup at this elevator of people who had no luggage, no strollers, no physical disability. There was an escalator a couple of stores down that went straight down to the food court as well. I just thought to myself... "How inconsiderate that I am waiting in line with people who shouldn't even be needing to use this elevator...". I asked this one man if I could step ahead of him and he was like, "Sorry, sir... I was here first and I'm kind of in a hurry..."
Which brings me to my topic title... WTF is wrong with society? Anyone out there have any similar situations? I'm sure a lot of people have encountered situations like these.
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