I hate neutrals. With enemies you know where they stand, but with neutrals, who knows?
If I don't survive, tell my wife, "Hello."
:) My favorite Futurama episode. Zapp is so gold.
It has my favorite Zapp joke ever, "So, a plot to assinate a weird-looking alien with scissors, how very neutral of you. But you forgot one thing, rock crushes scissors...but scissors cuts paper, and paper covers rock! Kiff, we have a cunundrum. Search them for paper and bring me a rock."
My favorite part is during the trial:
Zapp:Please point out the person in this courtroom you had sex with. [Leela points at him and Fry hoots.] And his name is?
Leela:Zapp Brannigan.
Zapp:The very same Zapp Brannigan who did not blow up DOOP headquarters. I rest my case.
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