My opinion is this, George Idiot Bush had us invade an uncivilised country, kill the big bad dictator, and now ll these civil wars are going on.
Our military wiped out their ragtag little army, the insurgents always get slaughtered when they fight our forces, so the only way they inflict casualties is by suicide bombers and mines.
I think the best thing we can do is slaughter all the uncivilised factions that are fighting eachother, but gaurd and protect the nice civilised factions. I mean there ARE a few cities that have no insurgents, and they praise us as heros, we shouldn't abandon them.
If we left the middleast totally Iran will take over, well we should use my plan, I mean it would look bad slaughtering all the uncivilised factions but the fact that we save the nice civilised factions will show that, well, that we're not evil.
I mean what else do you want to do? Thats the only option!
Also for all you USA haters (Not that I'm an ignorant redneck.) if you think our troops are getting their asses handed to them, well no one will look down in history and call the Al quiada genius tactitians will they? Just suicide bombers. I mean I just heard a Canadian guy say some stuff you know.
Well this mess will be over when I'm in the USMC.
So what do YOU think?
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