You know what I think? America doesn't need Bush, Hillary Clinton, Mcain, Obama or any of those guys.
We need a strong AGGRESSIVE leader who will solve all the worlds serious problems. Not someone who will ban violent video games or allow gay marraige, those things aren't important, the world is getting hotter as we speak, people are starving, people are killing eachother, women and children are dying, kids in Africa are going blind by the minute, people here in America are the unhealthiest any humans have ever been in history, theres overpopulation, theres crazy radicalists in the middleast who hate us, they hate America, England, Europe, eachother, everybody.
We need a strong Julius CeaserAlexander the great type leader who will crush our enemy's with no remorse, someone who understands that if right now we have anymore people on this earth, we will go extinct from overpopulation and famine, if any world leader has any care for the human race then he understands people will need to die for us to go on. thats the quote of the day, not everything can be solved with love and peace, some things must be solved with war, death, betrayal, lies, and suffering and HARDSHIPS, not everything in life is easy, not everything in human history will be easy either, and things cannot be semisolved laxadaisical, no the war on terror isn't working,these terrorists want us all to die and no one understands that, we must search them out and exterminate them like animals in a slaughterhouse.
People don't understand, they don't understand that in the middleast they are amassing armies to kill our children, will we let our grandchildren suffer the consequences of our mistakes, or will we solve all our problems now like true men?
Will we stop polluting the earth? Will we defeat our enemy's? Will we make earth a better place to live?
Unfortunatly there are NO good leaders, Republican or Democrat for the USA, or for the world. People should not try to predict the apocalypse, they should prevent it like true men.
What do you think? Do you agree with me or not? What lies in store for America?
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