Obviously this is the counter to Ariabed's thread.
Things that make me happy:
- Sundays (I neither work nor go to school on Sunday, but both my job and school are very part time, so I get more free time than anything.)
- When my cats headbutt me to get me to pet them :3
- Battlefield 4: When I manage to compensate for bullet drop and actually get a headshot with a sniper rifle (ranks an 11 on the 1-10 Awesomeness Scale)
- When I manage to actually get a kill in BF4
- Call of Duty: World at War's campaign
- Taking a shit and not having the shitty feeling of needing to shit for a while
- When I manage to clear an outpost in Far Cry 3 undetected with a silenced M-700.
- Getting a long range bow kill in Far Cry 3 is damn near orgasmic...speaking of which...
- Orgasm
- Warm showers
- Fast food
- When a girl smiles at me (I'm 91.68% sure I'll be a virgin4lyfe, so my brain goes apeshit if a girl just fucking smiles at me)
- Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
- Watching gaming videos on YouTube
- When I get an A on a test
- The fact that I've lost 20 lbs so far (I miss fast food, but I'll get a cheat day once a week when I reach my goal and a little beyond that. My goal is 160 (I'm about 5 lbs away) but I'd like to get to 155 to have some leeway on cheat days.)
- When I finally decide to cut my fingernails and feel like I accomplished something that day
- This quote from Dodgeball: "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."
- And..........sleeping
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