What nationalities are your friends?
I have:
-Indonesian friend (he speaks perfect English btw)
-Philippino friends
-Full blode Aussie friends
-Tongan friends
-Indian/Fijian friend (no, he doesn't speak like a typical Indian)
-Lebanese friends (not those chavs/lads, they are real funny)
-Sudanese/African friends (and no, they don't act gangster)
-Aussie/Malaysian friend
-Greek friends
-Italian friends
-Spanish friends (two of themare lads/chavs but overall still good friends)
-Chinese/Tongan friend
-Turkish friends
-Serbian friend (Although he is fat, but he's awesome)
-Chinese friends
-New Zealander/Thai friend
BTW they areNOT random ppl met through Facebook or Xbox Live.
They are people I actually know.
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