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When the internet decides to screw around with me by going off when I'm in the middle of pvp on World of Warcraft.
Wow, that didn't get censored. People who talk during the movies and waiting a long time at the bus stop are 2 things that make me mad.Bullshiit
Thats what pisses me off
[QUOTE="maniamsmart"]Wow, that didn't get censored. People who talk during the movies and waiting a long time at the bus stop are 2 things that make me mad.Cause I used 2 I'sBullshiit
Thats what pisses me off
I use to have a donkey and OMFG the first time I moved in and I heard that shiit I thought it was a train.the owl that stands on my house roof every night screeching...
fighting game spammers that think their good.why mk went down hill.
religious people i hate them it may sound bad i used to ignore them but when i signed a paper since im left handed a lady said since im lefty im ganna burn in hell for eternity.
people that drive under the speed limit
CoD kids.
closed minded people.
and pure ignorance
Stupid kids
Anyone that thinks the world revolves around them, namely most kids and about 90% of adults.
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Putting foil on a grillSunshaErr....why? Its one of those weird things that irk me. I think grilling should be you know...on a grill. Not on a grill covered in foil. It takes away the true essence of a cookout. Also I think it is extremely feminine...don't ask me why >.>
Its one of those weird things that irk me. I think grilling should be you know...on a grill. Not on a grill covered in foil. It takes away the true essence of a cookout. Also I think it is extremely feminine...don't ask me why >.>MgamerBDAh, I see. So is wrapping something like say...hash brown potatoes allowed in your silly world?
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Its one of those weird things that irk me. I think grilling should be you know...on a grill. Not on a grill covered in foil. It takes away the true essence of a cookout. Also I think it is extremely feminine...don't ask me why >.>SunshaAh, I see. So is wrapping something like say...hash brown potatoes allowed in your silly world? I never had to put hash brown potatoes on my grill before. So honestly, I wouldn't know. I mean if the food has to be cooked in foil then I will allow. I just don't like to see a grill completely covered in foil while cooking...
I never had to put hash brown potatoes on my grill before. So honestly, I wouldn't know. I mean if the food has to be cooked in foil then I will allow. I just don't like to see a grill completely covered in foil while cooking...MgamerBDThen I suppose I'll allow it. =p
Rude people, this guy tried to cut in line at the supermarket one day. I cut back and pointed while saying "The line starts way back there" he looked pretty ticked LOL
Superficial people
People who flake out at last minute
Terrible driving, huge pet hate. I seriously wonder how these people are allowed to have licenses when they can't turn a corner in their own lanechaoscougar1Similar, but for walking. I hate it when people dither and walk all over the place. Especially old people who can hardly walk at all. I mean seriously, some people have places to go and you just stop in the middle of the footpath with your little trolley and hold everyone up.
Idiots ignorance Liars Bad friends Putting foil on a grillMgamerBDTHIS!! ^^ Also when people jump on bandwagons instead of deciding for themselves about a subject like a rumour. Oh and cowards that write crap about you on socail networking and then when you see them in real life they dont even make eye contact with you and they just cower away when you walk near them. People like that really make me want to knee the crap out of them till the only thing keeping them standing is my arms so i can knee them more.
I don't like seeing people be mean to other people who aren't usually mean.
Also when I drain pasta and hold the pan at the wrong angle and the steam rises up and scalds my hand.
System updates.
When they put whole milk in my breve instead of half-and-half.
That's not a breve, that's a whole-milk latte, you dolt.
Oh the things I have to put up with in my life.
mass rapists, murderers, and child molesters in the news who had their chances at life but chose to commit attrocities upon mankind and them not being executed on the spot, meanwhile we allow the murder of innocent babies before they are born because its "a womans choice." The irony of capital punishment vs abortion laws really perplex me
the fact that whenever we get close to building cool energy weapons, better forms of fuel, and newer space flight technology, the government shoots down or cancels all funding for those projects. but putting money into crap we dont need that will never ever benefit us like "coral research" (yes im serious) is perfectly ok.
the fact that america is slowly spiraling towards a facist police state with every passing day. You know its bad when you start fearing the cops more than the criminals themselves IMO
When we, as a society, care more about what a celebrity does and wears and less about more important subjects and events in the world
(these are more personal peeves)
when im in a big hurry and someone in front of me is stupidly slow. Like if im running late and i need to stand in line for something, and the lady behind the counter is working as slow as the laws of physics will allow.
that lady at the cafeteria at my university who puts a half-assed attempt into everything she does, and then gives an excuse for why she sucks at her job to me, as if i care.
oh yeah, and the fact that i keep getting lead on and/or screwed out of potential relationships with girls that i like and the fact that it happens repeatedly (8 times so far)
also, the fact that i could have had a normal life if it wasnt for my dad scaring me into believing that all our neighbors were rapists, leading me to never go outside ever as a little kid meaning i never got the social development i needed at that age, leading to horrifying social awkwardness that persists to this day -__-
Racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. Social conservatismchessmaster1989
Well played.:lol:
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