In response to a recent, very elaborate prank that actually had me believing that I was mentally unstable:
I called my friends up (the ones who pranked me) and, while just screaming and moaning, told them my mother had just died (she hadn't). And what killed her was a small-but-fatal accident she had while I was freaking out during their prank. Seriously, I was blubbering. They all offered to console me, so we all got together and wept (except for myself, who was snickering inside like the evil little imp I am), and they treated me to drinks.
As a few days passed, I intentionally let my grades slip by a letter while wallowing under a rain cloud in cIass in front of everyone. I even ran out of the room "crying" at one point because the teacher "said something that reminded me of mom soooo much!:cry:" I made myself look roughed up and like I just didn't give a crap anymore.
One day I slipped a receipt into my gym bag for a small pistol and a single bullet. I asked one of my friends (who I had staged to help me with the prank) to "retrieve" something out of it and he "happened to notice" the receipt. Rather than confront his dear friend about it, he called all my other friends (just like I asked him to) and voiced his deep concern. He kept me up to date, of course, but as far as anyone else knew, he was just a concerned guy.
Of course, my other friends began freaking out. They started by asking little questions: "Hey, you okay, dude?" And "You're not letting this eat you up, are you?" And "Remember that your mom would want you to keep up with your future." And I would just say things like "Yeah" and "whatever" and "that doesn't matter."
One night, we all got together in my place (including my mole friend) and had some drinks and stuff, when I went to my bedroom. I took some red paint and sprinkled it around the walls and poured a little onto the floor, and then I took the gun I bought and fired it out the window. I lay on the ground where I put the paint and my partner in crime ran in first, pretending to check my pulse. He screamed that I was dead, and everyone else just pissed their pants in craziness.
Then my cell phone rang.
My partner answered it.
"Oh, hello Mrs. Frozt."
He said it as loud as he could, so everybody heard. Yes, I had asked my mother to call at that exact time. My friend put her on speakerphone so they could hear her say "So, have those little asses learned not to mess with my son yet?"
He and I just started laughing our asses off. I got off the floor with red paint on my head (so worth it) and watched as everybody just stared in horror at the evil I created. I got beat a little (as did my friend) but we just couldn't stop laughing.
To this day, they don't trust me for anything.:lol: The prank took about two weeks. And my friends learned a very important lesson: I'm a spiteful little bastard, so if you prank me, I will get your ass.:|
I also filmed their reactions in my apartment. I put the vids up on YouTube for a while.:twisted:
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