I don't know... but things are crazy right now. We are making almost 3k a month and can't manage to rent a shit hole apartment.
Where we live the minimum wage is $8 an hour, My wife is making 12 and i'm making 10. She is working full time with regular over time and commission and she averages about 2500 a month. I'm barely working because i'm taking care of the kid most of the time, lucky to bring in 600 a month.
Around here a 2 bedroom with no yard, no garage, shared laundry, in not very good condition goes for 900 and up and requires that you make at least 3 times the rent AFTER taxes. Oh, and they don't want to count her commissions and ovetime or my income (i'm technically self employed) because they aren't "guaranteed" so they will only count about 2080 dollars for our income.
We almost bought a 875sqft condo for 120k (that's considered super cheap around here, any less and it would be a mobile home) but because of our income not being "guaranteed" (even though that is what we have made consistently for almost a year at these jobs and 7 years including steady previous jobs) they couldn't give us the loan.
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