ok so a few days ago i got home around like 4 o'clock. i walked into my house and it was very quiet. i was the only one home. So i walked down stairs into the basement because thats were my room is. i turned the lite on when i got down there and to my disbaleif i saw a man with eight arms. He sat up and shouted " I AM SHIVA GOD OF WATER!" so i did what any normal person wud do. I jumped across the room in slo motion grabbed my lightsber and sliced off this dudes head! but he didnt die. So ya this happend last friday, and its now tuesday the 7th. This guys head which is still alive by the way is sitting in my room. he wont stop talking about anime. hes rly in to that **** so please help me out with this. how do u think i shud kill this head. oh and dont say just throw it away or like burry it becuse every time ive tried that he sum how shows up again in my room. So please help me!
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