So today, I stopped at a red light, and there were these kids standing on the corner. They looked about middle school age. Anyway, they yelled to me, "hey, mister! Can you donate some money for our football team?"
Anyway, I had money, but I didn't want to give it to them, because I make it a policy not to give money to beggars. Beggars tend to be ungrateful jerks, so I make a policy to not give them any money at all. I;ve been in too many situations where I've given people money and they asked, "is this it?" And I'm just like, "if you don't like it, I'll be happy to take it back."
Anyway, I had money on me. I had lots of money on me, in various denominations of ones, fives, tens, and twenties. But I lied and said, "sorry, I don't have any money on me right now." To which one of the dudes turned to another kid and said LOUDLY, to make sure that I heard him, "man, what an *** hole."
And I was just thinking, "yep, THAT'S why I didn't give you any money."
Anyway, I felt like I should have done something to own the kid, but I thought that would be going down to his level. So instead, I just ignored him and went on my way.
But as the day went on, I continued to be unsatisfied with my decision, and I started to think that maybe I SHOULD'VE owned the kid.
So...what should I have done? What would've been the best way to stick it to that broke-ass middle school kid without resorting to anything illegal? What would YOU have done in this situation?
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