Do you live in a place where everything is open 24/7, or do the shops near you always have to close early?
I work in a supermarket and we do 7am-10pm 7 days a week. About 20 years ago they used to be 24/7, but we have gradually cut the hours back and there's though of cutting it back further. The rival supermarket across the road does 7am-9pm, with 8am-8pm on Sunday. There is not a supermarket in the area that is open past 10pm.
The McDonald's in the town has to, by law, open no earlier than 7am and close no later than 10pm (11pm Friday and Saturday). This was a condition of development approval. All the other McDonald's in the area have to close at midnight and re-open at 6am due to council regulations, and all other major chains have to do the same, though Subway somehow stays open until midnight every night. One McDonald's used to be open 24/7 but this was canned after 6 months due to residents complaining.
There's only one place in the area that sells retail alcohol after 9pm, and that's tacked onto a club. There is only one petrol station open 24/7 out of about 30 in the area. The cinemas even have to close by 11:15pm. The only places open after 11 it seems are clubs here.
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