i always try to be nice and funny to my friends. i never be a dick unless im messing around on the internet. but i had like 7 good friends and now im down to like 1. just a kinda thing were they moved on and met new people but that has not happened to me. i had a best friend i knew since i was 2 years old but now its like we are not even friends. even more recently i had a good friend (he always got into arguements with me about stupid opinions, i should of just never fueled it) i never talk crap behind his back. i think i remember maybe telling someone that he might be way to serious and gets into arguements, but not trying to talk crap. but the dude he deleted me from everything and wont reply back to me. no reason or anything. this ones the worse because im afraid we would bump into each other and it would be WAY AWKWARD.
im not trying to get people to feel bad for me.. but i just dont know what to do. im done school in a year and im starting to get sad about this. im thinking that once i finally get my long awaited of unemployment ill get friends again. even my dad gets all dissapointed that i dont go to parties or anything or hanging out with friends. it has nothing to do with video games.
even at school now i hang out with people that im friendly with but not just FRIENDS. like we would never hang out with out of school. got any ideas? i have a feeling i might get flamed but i can always delete topic
thank you
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